Speaking of Nolan, I have to somehow find out if he is okay.

Roman speaks in fast Spanish (which I didn't know he could speak) to the people who took me. I think they are being careful to avoid mentioning names in order to keep me in the dark. They should have said at least one name by now, but they haven't.

Two strong hands grip me under the armpits and pull me out of the vehicle. Once I am out, I am picked up by someone who begins walking. At this point, all I can do is think about is finding Cole.

"Miss me, mi amor?" Roman whispers in my ear. A shiver runs down my spine and goosebumps arise all over my body. I try to tell myself that I am not afraid, but Nolan is not here to protect me from Roman this time.

I don't have anything to say to him. The best thing for me to do right now is to shut up until I know more about my situation. Because I am not sure why I am here, I need to make sure I do not give anything away about Gage or Nolan.

"Nothing to say?" Roman murmurs. "That's odd, usually you always have an insult ready." He laughs to himself and grips me tighter. My heart pounds in my ears due to the terror coursing through my veins. The feeling is all too familiar.

Being silent will make him angrier than if I spat a mouthful of insults at him. Although, it is getting more and more difficult to not call him a cock sucking, good for nothing, gaping asshole. My goal is to be unpredictable, and the only way I will accomplish that is to remain silent and unreadable.

I hear a door creak open and some more Spanish words spoken. The place we walk into smells like a mix of freshly made pizza and cologne. It is an odd smell, but it does tell me that there must be a number of people living here for the smell of cologne to be this strong. I can also discern that the more people that are here, the more difficult it will be to escape. However, once I find Cole, I will have a strong fighter on my side.

"Stop smirking, baby," Roman laughs. "There is no way you are getting out of here."

That's what he thinks.

He finally stops and puts me down on some sort of chair. It is cold and uncomfortable. He ties something around my waist and secures me to the chair. My ankles and wrists remain tethered together and essentially useless.

Roman finally pulls my blindfold down and allows me to get a good look at him for the first time since he left a couple of weeks ago. His entire look has changed. His hair is pushed back and he wears black jeans, a fitted white shirt and a sleek leather jacket. When we were together he never wore anything but dressy clothes.

I begin to wonder if he truly cares for me or if he was playing me. He has called me 'love' and 'baby', but maybe that was out of mockery. Whatever the case, he is manipulative and kind of terrifying (maybe that's just the I'm-tied-to-a-chair mentality talking though).

The room we are in is plain, with deep gray walls and a cement floor. The door looks heavy and is made of some sort of shiny metal that I am sure is meant to stop people from breaking it down. Other than the walls and the door, the only other thing in the room is the metal chair I'm strapped to and the devil himself.

Roman stares at me for a long time. He eyes linger on my shoulders that are visible because of my off-the-shoulder maroon sweater. Other than the sweater, I have on a pair of -now really dirty- dark jeans and a pair of brown booties. I can already tell these boots are going to be a bitch to run in.

"Do you know why you are here, mi amor?" He asks, slowly walking towards me. As soon as he is close enough, I spit at him. The glob of spit lands on his cheek and drips down onto his leather jacket. That was a really good one, but a Roman looks unimpressed.

He wraps a hand around my throat and forces me to look at his golden brown eyes. "That was cute, but for your sake, I suggest you behave." He tightens his grip for a second before letting go and taking a step back and crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

"Why aren't you talking? It's just me, baby." I cringe inwardly at his use of the word 'baby' because I have always hated it. I guess it just shows how little he actually listened to me during our relationship.

He smirks at me. "I don't need any information from you about Nolan if that is what you're thinking."

My eyes must widen, because his smirk grows when he continues. "All I needed was your phone and you, and now that I have both, there is nothing left to do but wait. So give me the silent treatment all you want, mi amor, but the only person who will remain in the dark because of that is you."

My mind instantly knows why he needs my phone; they're leading Nolan into a trap. If the guy has any brain cells at all he will put my kidnapping and me asking to meet up together and realize it's a setup. However, I don't believe Nolan would be able to say no because he cares about me far too much.

I decide if they do not want information, I should ask why the fuck they kidnapped me. "Why the fuck am I here then?" I say with a raspy voice.

"Well, I can't tell you that." Roman says, moving closer to me once again. "I can tell you, though, that when the time comes you will do everything and anything I tell you to."

A shiver runs down my spine at the conviction in his voice. His stare burns into me and makes me feel like a deer in headlights. "What makes you so sure of that?"

"Well you know Cole right?" Roman asks rhetorically. "If you want his pathetic little heart to continue beating, you will obey me like a damn dog."


Took forever, but here it is :) exams are coming I'm so scared haha.

-Court <3

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