45 | partners in law and order

846 35 77

This chapter is a collaboration with sethadler !!


Nino collapsed against the wall as the door swung shut, his leader having just been dragged off. He was exasperated. He knew that he had voted in favor of working with that snarky cop, but what in the world was going on? What was so important that they would leave? And most importantly of all, where were they?

Where are they?

Well as of now, there was nothing to do but wait for them to come back. Since Felix had practically been booted out of the crew and now the new girl was gone with Chat, that would make Nino the next in command. He had to think of something... everyone was waiting for his orders after all.

Chat did say they were going to burn the place down, right? He didn't imagine that? Might as well start packing then. That would be an okay place to start. "Alright, alright. Now I get it my dudes: the cat has left the cradle. But you heard my man already. Pack up all the important stuff. We're moving out!"

The crew members glanced at each other awkwardly for a moment, shuffling their feet.

Nino snapped to his feet, ripping his revolver from his trousers, a thirty-eight special, and blasted a vase across the massive conference room without so much as looking at it. He was known as the crack shot number three of the infamous Chat Noir gang after all. There had to be at least some weight behind the name 'Nicholas Lahiffe.' The sound of the gunshot and the shattering vase slammed into the grunts with the force of an earthquake, stunning them before Nino shouted.

"Do you think I'm messing around? Get to work! Chat will have your heads for ignoring orders!" No one moved for a split second as the personality swap set in, but when it did, they formed into a den of activity: nodding quickly and rushing off to prepare for the move. Nino sighed and slumped back against the wall again, sliding to the ground dissatisfied. He didn't like being the big, scary, boss man, but that was all that these dunces could get through their heads sometimes. He just wanted to blast some music and shut his eyes for a few minutes...

Ten minutes, he told himself as he slipped his headphones on and started his music, closing his eyes and tapping his revolver to the beat.

Twenty minutes passed like this before he felt a tap on his shoulder, a blonde with green eyes standing over him. He jumped, ripping his headphones off and looking at...

He sighed in relief when he realized it wasn't who he thought it was. "Damn it Felix, I thought you were your brother."

Felix chuckled nervously, gesturing at his clothes. "Does this look like a cat suit to you?"

Nino glanced over the wrinkled light shirt and vest that the blonde was wearing. "Of course not." He said, rolling his eyes. "What do you want?"

"What's happening?"

"Moving day."


Nino rolled his eyes, suppressing a groan. "I can't tell you, Felix. You know that."


Nino looked up at him in confusion, closely studying his features. He sounded genuinely disappointed and, surprisingly, looked the same. Not usual for the Chat's cocky brother. Odd.

"Go pack. We'll be leaving soon"

Felix nodded, his shoulders slumped. What was with him? Well, about time to check on everyone's progress anyway.

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