25 | backstabbers and quiters

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Once Marinette's eyes had fixated on the two thieves who stayed locked behind bars, her eyes had widened larger then the planet earth itself. There was just no way.

"Alya?" Marientte was beyond confused as to why Alya, her so called partner, was locked inside the metal cage. Alya was her colleague; she worked for the law; why was she behind bars?

Alya simply hung her head low, avoiding all eye contact with Marinette, and not bothering to utter a single word. Suddenly, Marinette eyes were fixed on the man beside her, and if her eyes could widen any larger, they surely would've stretched across the universe.


Chat had suddenly turned to look at his partner in shock, "You know this scum?"

Marinette and Chat defiantly weren't the only two surprised out of their wits, "Marinette!" Carl was also bewildered at her presence, "W-what in the world-? How did you get here?"

I guess he didn't mind that he was just called scum.

"I could ask you that same question," Marinette narrows her eyes at him, suddenly feeling uneasy about ever wanting this man to drive a cab for her.

"How do you two know each other?" Chat interjects, but Marinette is too busy staring daggers into her old acquaintance's eyes to acknowledge Chat's question.

"It's a complete misunderstanding, I tell you." Carl begins to explain, although Marinette isn't to thrilled to listen to his excuse. "It was all the brown-haired girls' fault! She bribed me into it!"

Alya gasped and crossed her arms above her chest, "Excuse me?! I clearly remember you saying-"

"I don't care!" Marinette suddenly shouts, causing both prisoners to jump and even causing Chat Noir to become startled, "I don't care how or why you two know each other! All I know is that there is a lot of explaining for each of you to do!"

And that got Carl and even Alya to both shut their traps. Even Chat didn't dare speak a word as both guards who were standing guard beside the cage escorted themselves out and shut the door behind themselves, leaving Chat and Marientte alone.

"I think you should go," Mairnette says to him, really catching Chat off guard.

"What?" He utters, "But we're a team, we do this toge-"

"Please," is all she says to interrupt him, and Chat is unbelievably shocked when it almost sounds as if she was begging for him to go. He complies however, and simply nods without a word before making his way towards the door.

Once he leaves, Marientte turns back to look at the two, disappointment laced in all her features, "Now, both of you get ready to tell me everything you know."

Both of Chat's guards continued to wait outside of the door while Marinette did who knew what on the other side. Meanwhile, Chat Noir couldn't help but pace back and forth at the thought of not being able to witness what was going on in there. He was desperate to know what those two knew.

Especially Alya, since he knew her somewhat.

But he still couldn't comprehend; why had they been trying to steal from his building?

Chat shook those thoughts away to concentrate on what really mattered.

Besides, he also didn't like the idea of Marinette being in that room alone with them. With him.

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