21 | bounds and thanks

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The hospital room was chilly and dark, that even through Chat Noir's thick coat of leather suit, he still shivered in his seat. All he could do was stare at his unconscious brother who lay perfectly stiff in that bed, quite a few tubes connected to his body.

It was night by now, and Chat was still shaking from nervousness of getting caught. However, Marinette's plan had worked absolutely perfect, and they were able to hospitalize his brother before it was too late.

A knock on his room made Chat jump, and it startled him for just a second. He thought about who could be behind that door before he muttered for them to enter; he was only praying it wasn't a nurse.

But it wasn't a nurse, for he was relieved when the door creaked opened and Marinette's face peeked in. She smiled once her eyes met his and opened the door more fully so she could enter the room. Shutting the door behind herself with her foot, the bluenette walked towards Chat with two coffees, one in each hand.

"Thought you could use one of these," she offered one cup to him, "I know I could."

He took the energy booster with no hesitation; bringing the hot drink up to his lips, he drank slowly and carefully in order not to burn himself. He watched Marinette as well as she pulled up her own chair beside him and took a seat.

"So, how's he doing?" Mairnette asked, finally breaking the odd silence.

Chat sighed and continued to sip on his drink, "Fine I guess. I mean, he hasn't exactly woken up yet."

While the two were desperately trying to get him to the hospital, Felix had eventually passed out from so much blood loss. Even after getting to the hospital and getting his supplements, he still hadn't woken up.

Mairnette hummed lightly, "Okay, well, what about you?" She then turned to eye her partner, "How are you doing?"

Chat quickly stiffened at her question. His hands both nervously clutched into his cup, "Fine, I guess."

Marinette stared at him closely before shaking her head, "Chat, you're digging your claws into that cup like it's the last thing you'll ever hold. Any further now and you'll have coffee all in your lap." She giggled at that, and then asked with all concern "So really, how are you doing?"

Chat relaxed just a bit and her concernment, and his eyes finally turned to meet hers. Sighing in defeat, he replied with the truth, "I just...don't like being in public places for too long. With my record, people are always looking to find me and claim the reward the city has for my arrest. And sitting in this public place for this long extends those risks."

"I understand." Marinette hummed, "However, no one actually knows you're Chat Noir, remember?"

He was having a hard time reminding himself that his leather suit was actually white now instead of black. With the help of Marinette's brain, his speed, and agility, Chat had successfully retrieved white paint like Marinette had requested.

"You think it's that good of a disguise?" He just had to ask, "I feel as if they can see right through me."

She simply nodded, "No one will know you're Chat Noir. And if someone does ask, we will say you're from the circus."

Chat's slight smile immediately faded, "Seriously? The circus?"

Her grin grew, "Hey! You can't complain! You are the one who enjoys dressing up in a cat costume!"

She punched his shoulder playfully, and Chat laughed as he rubbed the spot painfully, "Meouch!! That hurts!"

She raised and eyebrow at him as she continued to giggle, "Really? Puns? You can't be serious?"

Oh, but Chat was very serious, "How dare you think my pawns are such a joke! They're clawsome!"

Mairnette continued to giggle at his silliness, "Stop that, Chat! Those are way too cheesy!"

Both young adults broke off into a fit of laughter. "Wow Chat," she continued to giggle, "You really know how to make a girl laugh."

And that last sentence had chat suddenly haunting his own laughing, and turning to look over at her with the most serious look he could muster, "Wait....what did you say?"

It took Mairnette a while to realize what she had just spilled, and her smile immediately fell from her lips, "I-I mean....well....um..."

"I make you laugh?" He repeated what she had just said, "Which means I make you happy?"

Soon, the tension in the air began to fog up Mairnette's lungs, and she began to cough on absolutely nothing, "Um..well.....I-I mean sure. I guess."

Chat watched the slight blush form on her cheeks and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Marinette was embarrassed, and for some reason, it made him feel all warm inside.

Wait...so what did that mean?

Chat didn't know what it meant, but he soon found himself leaning a little too close into her personal space. His green eyes locked on her plump lips, and he made the rational decision to try and kiss her.

Until he felt a pair of hands shove him back.

"Chat!" Mairnette exclaimed, awfully surprised at her partner's actions, "What are you doing?!"

Chat was pushed back so forcefully, that by the time he had opened his eyes again, all he could see was her surprised yet annoyed expression, "I-uh..." He stumbled for words, trying to come up with some excuse, "I just thought t-that-"

Marinette immediately shook her head, and Chat was the one to cut himself off, "No Chat. I don't um....do stuff like that. That's unprofessional!"

At first, Chat was a bit disappointed by the fact that kissing to her was unprofessional. But truth be told, she was partly right. They were partners working together, they couldn't have romantic relations with one another.

Could they?

"I'm sorry," Chat quickly apologized before anything else got even more awkward, " I-I didn't mean to...I'm just.....sorry."

The air became way too thick for Marinette, and she quickly stood to her feet, abandoning the chair beside Chat. Quickly and silently, she made her way towards the room door, saying nothing more to the feline. But then, while her hand hovered over the doorknob, she turned her head back to look at Chat; she gave him a small, uncomfortable, smile, "I forgive you, Chat. I just need some air." And with that, she twisted the doorknob, pulled the door open, and escorted herself out, not bothering to wait for his response, and leaving the black, slightly-heartbroken feline to his own thoughts.


I decided I might as well post the next chapter before I have to go to another scope appointment on Tuesday.

That stuff hurts man, and the first time I had to do it was very unpleasant.

So, I guess keep me in your thoughts when I get put under and get a camera stuck down my throat. It really hurts afterwards and it irritates my chest area, so I'll be in a lot of pain.

Anyway, no more sadness. I hope whoever joined the one shot contest is doing well with their one shot!!

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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