29 | pick and choose

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Recap: "Help! It's my mother!"

The sound of a desperate voice calling out for help startled almost everyone parked outside of that police department. Marinette was sure she was the first to turn to the sound, and the sight her eyes caught on was one of the most horrid scenes she had ever seen.

There, standing before a crowd of people who hated him the most, stood her partner Chat Noir. A look of distress was spread across his entire face as he held a limp body in his arms.

Immediately, Marinette's first instinct was to run towards him, and that's exactly what she did. Her feet soon began to move, and before she could even comprehend herself what she was doing, she was running to her partner's aid.

"Chat Noir?" She questioned once she pushed the the crowd of cops and had reached him; a look of confusion and slight fear was spread across her entire face. Chat just stared up at her with the same expression, except the only thing he showed was fear.

He was terrified.

"What's going on?" Marinette's dares to ask, fearful of what his response may be. When Marinette dares to look down at the limp body in his arms, her fear gauge rises at the sight of this person being a woman. "Who is this?" She adds hesitantly.

Chat is already breathing heavily, and he doesn't dare look Marinette in the eyes before he mumbles defeatedly, "My mother...."

Although Chat still refuses to make eye contact, Marinette searches for his eyes. Her eyes have gone wide by now, and she can't believe what she is now hearing.

Not only did her feline partner have a brother she knew nothing about until recently, but now he also had his mother with him?

Since when?

And she was.....wounded?

"Chat, what are you doing here?!" Soon, Marinette's instincts as a doctor kick in. And the ideal of this woman loosing her life frightens her, "You need to get her to the hospital!"

Tears began to leak from his eyes, and it was the first time ever Marinette had ever seen her partner cry, "I c-can't," and finally, he looks up to her with tear filled eyes, "I need your help! You're the only one who can help her!"

"Me?" Marinette doesn't understand. After everything that the two struggled with -- including trust -- now he wanted her help only?  "No Chat, you need a real doctor....."

"You are a real doctor," he interjects, and his voice sounds ever so pleading.

But Marinette hesitates, because being a doctor means opening up that old wound that still hasn't been completely stitched up. The past is what stops her from doing what she needs to do, the past is what stops her from accomplishing goals, and the past is what stops her from being courageous. The past was after all, what made her leave the doctor life.

But right now, all fears and doubts needed to be kept in the last. The past needs to be left behind her, because right now, all Marinette needs is some courage.

Marinette finally nods and places a hand on his shoulder, "Let's go." She says. Chat's eyes widen slightly, but he still nods nonetheless and turns to make his leave.

As Marinette joins him to leave the crowded scene however, a harsh, commanding voice echoes out into the night, calling out to the bluenette, "Officer Marinette!" Her superior calls her name, and suddenly Marinette had released Chat's shoulder to come to a halt.

Chat took a few more steps before he turned his hea back to eye his partner with confusion. He then noticed that the man who was in charge over her seemed to be eyeing them from afar, and the glares Chat was receiving had him take more steps back.

"Where in heavens name do you think you're going?" The Sargent crackles a laugh, and soon the other officers around him join in the laughing frenzy; some practically pointing their fingers at her figure in mockery. Marinette doesn't dare to turn around and watch them laugh at her, so instead she takes on the heat, "Have you gone insane, officer? Arrest that man!" He then suddenly orders, and suddenly everyone is completely silent; all laughing subsiding long ago. "That's an order!"

Marinette then decides to turn herself around to face him, a frown spread across her lips. The sudden bolt of courage she had received was her guidance, "I will not!" She dares to shout at her superior, and she is sure many of her so called fellow officers gasp from behind. "I am going to help him and this woman here."

However, the Sargent refuses to take such an answer from his officer, "Do you dare to defile your orders, officer Marinette?" He asks, and suddenly, he is slowly making his way down the police department's steps, never moving his eyes off of her as he moved agonizingly slow in her direction.

"This woman needs help!" Marinette protests, whether her superior cares for the ill woman or not. What would be more important than a human being's life?

"That is not my problem," the Sargent barks.

He's still approaching her; slowly and agonizingly he stands only inches away from the bluenette now before he practically spats into her face, "I gave you an order. So follow it!"

Marinette doesn't dare to back away, and Chat Noir is no longer right against her side. Long ago, Chat had backed away from the nasty looking man, who approached them both as if ready to kill a human baby. The man's vibe set a bad feeling in the feline's stomach.

"I'm not just going to let this woman die," Marinette spat back at him, literally almost praying he had gotten some of her spit onto his face, "And if you won't let me help this woman...." Marinette lifts her hand to her vest, letting her fingers trace over the small badge resting at her chest before she fiercely rips it from the fabric, throwing it down to the damp concrete. "....Than. I. Quit!" 

If the Sargent wasn't expecting her to resign, he sure didn't show it. Chat Noir on the other hand had lifted his head in utter disbelief to stare at his partner with tear stained eyes. His partner would give up her dream job to assist him?

"You quit?" The Sargent chuckles, getting a few other laughs from the crowd behind him. "You wouldn't dare do such a thing!"

Marinette doesn't bother to give him a second glance as she turns her back to him, and rests her arm against Chat Noir shoulders once again. When she finally does turn her head back, a smirk had long ago replaced her frown, "Oh I wouldn't?" And then she lets out her own sarcastic chuckle, as if she was mocking him for laughing at her previously, "Watch me."


I'm so sorry, I was trying to write this chapter just right for you all. Plus, I've been loading with school work lately since Irma threw our school schedule off.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed! And don't forget to press that little star once you're done reading! Maybe comment something too -- I like reading what y'all have to say.


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