47 | the fall of the agrestes

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This chapter is a collaboration with sethadler !!



Her ears were ringing.

She could hear muffled shouts, particularly pinpointing Nino's voice amongst the chaos, but she found herself unable to react. She could feel her muscles aching and the sting from the open wound on her upper arm intensifying, yet she couldn't find the strength in herself to move. Had she really lost that much blood? She didn't really remember. Somehow, she was able to lift her hand, getting a good look at the pieces of shredded glass that were now embedded in her skin. She lifted her fingers to caress her bruised cheek, smearing blood along her pale face with every timid touch she gave her own injuries. Shards of glass littered the floor, poking and prodding mercilessly at her skin. With shaky limbs, Ladybug picked herself up off the ground as she slowly regained consciousness, dirt and blood tainting her taste buds. She licked her chapped lips and blinked a few times, her eyes desperately trying to focus on her surroundings.

Smoke. It was the first thing she noticed. There was smoke, and it was making it difficult for her to breathe. Someone shouted again, but she couldn't figure out who the voice belonged to. She winced and held her side when she suddenly felt an intense, sharp pain. She idly wondered why her suit hadn't prevented this pain she was feeling. Groggily, she lifted her head, trying to figure out what had happened.

And then it hit her. In a matter of seconds, her eyes went wide and her adrenaline kicked in.

Chat Noir. Where was Chat Noir?!

Blindly, she reached for her side, expecting to find her yo-yo clipped to her waist—only to realize that her trusty yo-yo was missing.

No! No, she needed it NOW! What if something happened to Chat befo—


Instinctively, she ducked her head. More shouts up-roared all around her. And that's when she realized the intensity of the situation she was in. Someone had fired a gun... twice.

She felt someone place a hand to her shoulder and she flinched. At first, she thought it was Chat Noir... until she felt another hand cup her elbow, and Nino's urgent but gentle voice following the careful touches. "Get up, Marinette!" He shouted over the other multiple shouts, though not out of anger. She could sense the fear in his tone; the urgency. Something was wrong.

She followed him because she trusted him, and Nino led her to a clearing in the smoke. When she was able to see once again, she realized they were close by the shattered window, the crew of men all huddled together. She only realized the situation was critical when she spotted their shoes all drenched from the puddle of blood they were currently standing in.

Ladybug stumbled back. Thankfully, Nino had been there to stabilize her and prevent her fall. But he wasn't able to prevent what she saw next. And when she happened to steal a short glance through the crew all huddled together, a flash of blonde was enough to have her taking multiple steps back and shuddering uncontrollably.

Angered, Ladybug threw her gaze outside the window and quickly located the source of the gunshot. There, on the next rooftop over holding a sniper rifle, stood Felix, waving his hand in a back and forth manner.

That piece of garbage shot his brother—HER Adrien! She sprinted forward, preparing to pick up a discarded gun herself and shoot Felix right in the head like a target at the shooting range, only to be stopped by another shout. But this time, she recognized that shout...

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