the plan

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the two boys wake up the next morning to Tanaka jumping on them both.

"wake up sleepy heads!" he yells intrusively. nishinoya slowly opens his eyes and rubs them, looking at his best friend. he was used to being woken up like that due to their years of friendship. hinata however, was not expecting it, and jumped up like a scared cat.

"TANAKA" he yells tiredly, his voice raspy. the pair of best friends laugh at the shocked red haired boy. tanaka throws a pillow at the small first years head and runs off with nishinoya. Hinata gets up to chase them around the house, while they all laugh.

the first year throws a pillow back, causing nishinoya to trip and tumble to the floor.

"that's it. time to show you the ROLLING THUNDER ONCE MORE", noya says as he dives to tackle the red head. the boy laughs as they tumble on the ground. tanaka decides it's time to join in, and he jumps at the two boys who are rolling on the floor.

as the three are rolling across the floor, Noya lips lightly brush the decoys lips, causing him to blush and pause his movements. noya, who didn't notice, continues to fumble with the boy on the ground.

"hinata.. are you blushing?", tanaka asks, stopping his movement, which causes noya to blush aswell, realising that he IS blushing.

"NO!" he shouts hesitantly, pausing for a second. "i was just trying to distract you both", he says with a smirk as he pulls the two to the ground. the three fumble for a couple minutes more before laying on the ground, panting from exhaustion.

"now that was a different way to start my morning" hinata says out of breath. the three take a second to calm down before getting up.

"so what did you guys do last night?" tanaka breaks the silence. "did you guys stay up late?" he asks. nishinoya and hinata stare silently, not knowing what to say. noya finally joins in.

"we just stayed up talking for a bit about... practice... and stuff. and then we went to sleep". the two boys looked at eachother intensely. the energy between them was quite obvious.

they seem so unsure. is there something i'm not getting? tanaka shrugs and brushes it off. "okay, well we have practice later so you guys better not be tired" tanaka jokes. noya let's out a fake awkward laugh.

"hinata", the tall second year says, pulling noya and hinata closer so that the three were in a huddle. "since you're one of us," he continues gesturing toward the small libero, "you get to participate in our little games".

hinata's eyes go wide as he looks at tanaka. "what kind of games?" he asks curiously. tanaka smirks and looks at him like a lion looks at it's prey. "you see, me and noya here, are the fun ones of the team. everyone is always so uptight and serious. so we have to join in and make things fun" he smirks. hinata looks at him with curiosity.

"what, like... tricks and stuff?" the first year says intrigued. tanaka looks at him and shrugs. "you could say that. well, i have a plan for practice tonight". nishinoya coughs and looks up pleadingly at tanaka.

"hmmm. it's gotta be something better than that time we accidentally filled daichi's backpack with water balloons", noya adds. hinata looks at them both with wide eyes.

"i'm thinking, after practice, the last 2 people in the club room, i'll lock the door. i'll only lock them in there for about an hour tho. just to see what happens", he smirks and hinata joins in again. "are you sure? that doesn't seem like a good idea".

tanaka smirks. "it'll only be for like an hour! they'll be fine. i'm kinda hoping it's kageyama and tsukki. they're both hot headed and would FOR SURE argue the whole time". the two other boys nod.

the trio starts getting ready for practice, rehearsing the plan. "you and nishinoya distract the others, and i'll lock them in by mistake" tanaka smirks. the three finish getting ready and head out the door, thinking about the plan.

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