good job tanaka! (Nishinoya's POV)

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we ended up losing to shiritorizawa after a close match. before attempting to return to see hinata at the nurses office, i noticed tendou approaching me. i turned my back, trying to walk away calmly before he had the chance to speak, when i felt his hand firmly grasp my shoulder. (authors note: ngl i was watching the spongebob "FIRMLY. GRASP IT." episode when i wrote that sentence). his long slender fingers dug deep into my skin.

i whipped my head around, throwing his arm off of me. "what is your issue?" i said through slightly gritted teeth. he giggled quietly, bending down matching my height, just like he did to shoyo in the match. "i just was wondering how your little boyfriend is doing".  BOYFRIEND?? i was at a loss for words, practically stumbling over myself trying to collect myself. "you know..,", he started again. "it's kind of odd? the two shortest of the group being love birds. crazy coincidence don't you think?", he said with a smirk.

"actually", a voice interrupted us. it just so happened to be yamaguchi. did he hear? what if he tells daichi  but wait no,,, hinata isn't even my boyfriend. "it's actually none of your business. how about you work on getting your own team in control". i was shocked, but i couldn't tell if i was shocked that yamaguchi actually spoke to someone, or that he didn't seem to care about if me and hinata were dating. although i had a suspicion something was going on with him and kageyama, or maybe tsukkishima.

it eased my mind that maybe i'm not the only one. tendou stood, scaling himself to yamaguchi. after realizing what he'd said, yamaguchi immediately went back to his shy self, placing his hand on the back of his neck. his face flushed red at his actions. "who knew you spoke", tendou mocked. yamaguchi and i jumped a bit when a familiar hand was placed on both of our shoulders. we turned to face suga who had just came up behind us after talking to coach.

"it's time to head". we both nodded, and watched as suga smiled at tendou. "yamaguchi, noya. i know littering is illegal, but we're gonna leave this trash here", he said nodding to tendou. before tendou had the time to squeeze a word in, suga turned around and pulled us by our shirts across the gym. when we gathered with the rest of the team, i noticed hinata was back from the nurse, talking to asahi and daichi.

before walking to talk to hinata, yamaguchi looks at me discretely. "you aren't the only one. with a secret". i tilt my head and turn to look at him. you aren't the only one? yamaguchi is then pulled away by tsukkishima, and i'm left standing there, confused. i quickly remembered what had happened just before. you're not the only one. meaning, i'm not the only one. it was as if a light went off in my head. yamaguchi has known? the whole time? but does that mean he's actually with tsukkishima? or kageyama?

it's hard to tell which one, but is that what he's trying to say? i shake my head, trying to leave that aside. my sneakers squeak on the gym floor as we're escorted out and into the cafeteria to eat. "noya! did you do it yet?". i jump a bit as a hand slaps my back. i glare at tanaka shaking my head. "no. i just,,,, i will okay?". i play with my hands infront of me. "i just- if he doesn't like me that way, then it's like i've been manipulating him this whole time". tanaka raises an eyebrow at me.

"if you don't tell him, i will". i shake my head knowing he's right. as we walk into the cafeteria, i notice hinata already sitting with his friends from nekoma. i forgot about kenma. i can't let him get ahead of me. i see them laughing together, and tanaka sees too. tanaka gives me a look before speeding up his pace and going STRAIGHT to their table. "tanaka what are you doing!" i say quietly as he pulls me with him.

before i can comprehend it, me and tanaka are sitting at the table with them. hinata looks up at me, smiling, his eyes lighting up. "noya!". tanaka works on trying to talk to kenma, distracting him. "hey are you feeling alright?", i say awkwardly. in the background i can hear tanaka. "kenma? that's a weird name not gonna lie". what is he doing. shoyo and i both turn our heads to the situation as kenma starts getting heated.

"at least i have hair", he says quietly and defensively, not looking up from his phone. tanaka laughs, trying to push him over the edge on purpose. tanaka keeps going on, saying small things to get him worked up. the setter keeps his replies short, but is clearly getting annoyed. lev and kuroo across the table stop their conversation, looking at the interaction.

the arguing soon leads to fighting, and tanaka looks to me, tilting his head signaling for me to leave with shoyo. so that was the plan. kuroo joins in, arguing back at tanaka to defend his friend. shoyo covers his ears to block out the yelling. i gently take his arms in my hands and remove them from his ears. "wanna go?". he nods, and we both silently get up staying unnoticed.

Nishinoya x Hinata: our little secretNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ