See Me

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Tired. Tired was the best word you could think of to describe how you felt. When you became friends with Mingyu, in between all the making out and long rides to nowhere, you knew you had feelings. He knew too. He knew how you felt and sometimes he felt the same and sometimes he just felt sorry for letting you feel so strongly about him.

Mingyu also knew that there was a high chance that he'd completely fall for you and an even higher chance that this would all blow up in his face, so when you started to cry he wasn't surprised.

Of course, the two of you had the discussion long ago that he wasn't looking for anything and you did your best to keep your feelings in check. Working hard to keep the relationship normal and casual, telling yourself every night that it was just a friends with benefits situation, ignoring the pang in your heart any time he would walk away to take a call or cancel plans because he was "sick" or "busy", but this was the final straw.

"Do you see me?" you whisper, tears already beginning to stream down your face. Normally you'd wipe them away and give him some false smile, but this time you don't care. He stands in silence, watching you weep on the couch below him, his face resembles something like confusion.

"Do you fucking see me?" You scream, you look up at him and his heart shatters. You can no longer tell whether the tears are from anger or anguish, just that your heart hurt.

He hated seeing you like this, hated watching you break, hated knowing that it was because of him.

"Of course I do," he mumbles and takes a step closer to you. You stand up and go to walk away, but he grabs your wrist and pulls you into his chest.

Mingyu holds you tightly as you flail in his arms, the punches you are trying to land are weak and eventually whittle away to nothing as your balled up fists choose to latch onto the fabric of his shirt instead. Sobs wrack your body as you cling to him. Mingyu leans down, burying his face into the crook of your neck, squeezing your soft body a little tighter.

"Of course I see you, I've lost the ability to look anywhere else."

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