Your Idea of Me

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"You're so weird, you swear you're done with me, but just so happen to pop back into my life when I start to move on!"

"I am over you, y/n! I just- I can't stand the thought of you with someone else either," his eyes never meet yours, their gaze on the table.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Mingyu? I'm not your property! I'm not your charity case! I'm not some girl in need of your love or assistance. You keep forgetting that I'm an actual person and not just some stupid fucking concept you made up in your head." Your eyes bored in to him as you speak, your voice getting progressively louder, "I'm living and breathing and I'm so sorry that the way I do that isn't as perfect or pretty as you think it should be. I'm sorry that it doesn't include you any more. I'm sorry that I can't be as wonderful as the version of me that you created in your head. I spent so long trying to be that."

Mingyu finally looks up at you, his eyes sympathetic. He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off, "When you left for the god knows what time, I had to search through all of the mess of myself for the broken pieces that I couldn't even remember because I'd worked so hard to build a different me that was fitting of your narrative."

"You are beautiful, y/n! You're wonderful."

"Are you fucking daft Mingyu?! Is that what you think I want to hear right now, that you think I'm beautiful?"

He panics a bit, "No! I just-"

"You just what?" Your voice loud and angry, "Thought you could deflect this by making me feel like you actually looked at me, just like how you used to? Thought I'd just accept your compliment and then calm down and be complacent like I was before? Well I won't. Fuck you and fuck your shitty narrative and your even shittier apologies and I hope," you pause and take a deep breath, realizing the scene you were causing in this restaurant that was far fancier than anyplace you ever wanted to be. Quieting your voice you continue, "I hope you live a happy life somewhere far as fuck away from me."

You slide carefully out of the booth, flatten down your skirt, and walk out of the restaurant, leaving Mingyu sitting at the table with only his thoughts. 

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