Move In

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"You should move," he said.

"Then you could have me a little east of you and him in your arms," he winks at you playfully.

You laughs, "I wasn't expecting that response."

Minghao laughs with you, "What response were you expecting?"

You shrug and grab your coffee cup, holding it close to your chest, "I dunno, I figured you'd tell me it was a bad idea."

He smiles softly at you, watching as you take a timid sip from your cup, "It's a god awful idea y/n, but I know that you will do what you want in the end anyways, so I might as well support you."

You look around the dimly lit coffee shop as you mull over his words.

"Plus, Jun is moving in soon, so it's my job to convince you to move in with him, so that he'll stop being so worried and get the fuck out asap."

You smiled wider and shook your head. That was true though. Minghao's boyfriend would be moving into Mingyu's old room soon and you were the whole reason that Mingyu even began to feel confident enough to get his own place. But just as Mingyu was beginning to pick up confidence, you were slowly losing it.

The two of you had been together for a year now, but the past was not completely gone from your memory. Mingyu was a wild card and while you loved him infinitely and felt as though he loved you too, sometimes you couldn't be sure what type of love it was.

On the other hand, Minghao went from loving you, to loving you happy, to loving being your friend and that is when he found Jun. He had been almost nervous to tell you they had begun dating, but when he did, your face lit up. You were so happy for him and for some reason that just made everything feel so much more... Right. Now he and Jun were inseparable and it felt right to move in together, especially when life was changing for everyone.

So when Mingyu came and asked him to help convince you to stay with him, it felt like one big cosmic message from the universe and of course, he would be there to fix things, if Mingyu fucked up again.

"Y/n, I think this is a step you should take. It will be good for both of you, honestly." His hand reached out to touch yours. You looked to meet his gaze and nodded.

"I guess you're right," you sigh and put your cup down, "Well, I better go tell him and start packing."

Minghao smiled as he watched you get up from your seat, leaving your half of the check and an almost full cup of coffee. Change had always been harder for you than it was for most, but if he thought this was the right decision, maybe it really was. Not to mention, when had you ever said no to Mingyu? 

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