Everyone's A Cheater

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"Fuck you," he spat as she walked away. His fists clenched by his sides.

"Excuse me?" As she stopped and turned her head to look at him, her eyes said it all, face contorting into something resembling that of a demon.

"I said fuck you! I can't fucking believe you let some other man touch you," she scoffed at him as he spoke, "just let some random ass guy stick his dick in you, because what? I didn't answer your phone call fast enough? I didn't satisfy you the last time we were together? I didn't praise you for doing basic human functions today?"

"Mingyu," she spoke with a calm voice, "I do not want to hear it from you. Just four months ago you cheated on me for the fifth time and what? You thought that I wasn't at least eventually going to get you back for hurting me because you chose to violate the most basic rules of our agreement to be a couple. Yea? No. You can kiss my fat ass."

"You speak like you're so confident that you won't lose me forever," he walked to her, grabbing her wrist.

She quickly snatched her hand away, looking up at him in bewilderment, "I've already lost you so many times before Mingyu. Every time someone offers you something more exciting or- or interesting, you hop on the fucking opportunity. I'm not confident that I won't lose you. I never have been, but I'm surely not going to let you have all this fun while I sit around like some lowly housewife waiting for you to actually genuinely love me back."

He stares at the hand she ripped away from his, eyes dark and empty. He had never felt this kind of pain before. Was this how she felt when he cheated? Of course, when he cheated on her he felt immediately guilty. He knew it hurt her. Mingyu knew it was wrong, but he was so scared of the commitment it would take to stay with her and only her. He didn't know what to do and when he felt trapped he would fuck someone else. They never felt like her though. They never sounded or tasted like she did and as a promise to himself, and to her, he never kissed them. He wanted some part of him to go untainted. His lips hadn't touched anyone else's since he got with her.

"Did you kiss him," he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper.


"I said, did you fucking kiss him?" Mingyu's voice had deepened considerably. She didn't know when it happened, but his hand was wrapped around her wrist again. His grip was strong.

"Mingyu, that hurts," she whimpered, but he didn't let up.

"Answer. The. Question."

She looked up at him, eyes teary. When they locked gazes her heart filled with a fear that quickly overrode the anguish. As soon as the soft 'yes' left her lips, he broke. Mingyu let go of her wrist, letting it gently fall back to her side.

"I need to go," he whispered, finally breaking eye contact as he looked at the ground trying to hide his tears.

And then he left. He walked out the front door leaving her there alone. As she stood there enveloped in the silence, she thought to herself

"I wonder why I can't cry for myself."

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