I Think of You

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"You know, I think about you a lot."

He said this matter-of-factly, in the middle of her favourite movie. She was so engrossed in the scenes before her, that she almost didn't hear him. Without looking away from the television she responded with a sarcastic, "Yea I'm sure."

Mingyu was staring into the side of her head, if he would have stared any harder there would have been two holes the size of his range of vision, burning into her profile. When she refused to meet his gaze, he eventually looked away. Leaning his head back on the couch, closing his eyes, he spoke again.

"It's true, you know."

His words hung limply in the air, they buzzed in her ears like a fly, pesky, annoying, and always around during the worst times.

She sighed, grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of them and pausing the movie, "Mingyu, why are you saying this now."

It was his turn to ignore her stares. Even with his eyes closed, he could feel their coldness. Biting back a shiver, he let his head lull to the side as he slowly opened his eyes and answered her question with a shrug.

"Oh for fuck's sake," she groaned. She was tired of him telling her sweet things because every time he did, they left a bitter aftertaste.

"Listen, I just wanted to let you know that you are on my mind a lot. More than I want you to be," as he spoke she rolled her eyes, "and not just in sexual ways."

"Oh my god, Mingyu!"

"No! Just listen! Sometimes it will be at 2 in the afternoon when I'm out with the guys or at practice and I know I should be focused on the conversations or memorizing plays, or sometimes," he paused as he looked back up at the ceiling, "sometimes it's at 4 in the morning when everything is quiet and the only thing awake is the moon and the stars and I will get lost in thoughts about you. How your hair smells, the way your lips curve into a smile when you aren't mad at me. If I listen closely to the wind it calms me the same way your breathing does when your head is on my chest."

"You know you saying all of this bullshit isn't going to undo what you did, right?"

"It meant nothing with her," he exclaimed with exasperation.

"If we weren't roommates I would kick you out."

"I've apologised so many times, don't be dramatic!"

"I feel like this is not even half of how fucking dramatic I could be Mingyu. I could have thrown your shit in the hallway, I could have put hair dye in your shampoo, hell if I was really crazy I could have poisoned your fucking breakfast! That would be dramatic, but instead, I asked you to shut the fuck up and watch this shitty 90s romcom with me, so please stop trying to fix your fucking mistake for 5 minutes and let me fucking cope!"

Despite her hurt and the tears that were slowly rolling down her cheeks, she grabbed the remote and pressed play. The movie began again and Mingyu stopped talking. They watched the rest of the movie in silence and for that she was grateful. Mingyu made lots of mistakes and she was always forgiving him, but when Vernon sent her the picture of Mingyu curled up with some other random stranger, in her bed after a particularly wild house party, she was crushed. It had been two weeks since then and despite the fact that she had washed her sheets 4 times, she swore she could still smell the other girl's perfume. So she slept on her bedroom floor.

She wasn't strong enough to sleep in the bed, but she was nowhere near weak enough to sleep on the couch, so every night there she would lay on a makeshift bed right beside her real one. As if that girl and Mingyu were still curled up in it and she couldn't be bothered to disturb them.

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