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College, in many ways, was just like high school. Somehow it felt like everyone knew everyone, cliques still existed, and rumors spread like wildfire. It hadn't even been two weeks before what seemed like the entirety of campus knew that you were at least sleeping with Mingyu.

You weren't mad that everyone within a 50-mile radius knew because of your pride or anything, you were just upset that everyone felt the need to know your business. After all, how could you really be upset that people knew that Mingyu had taken a liking to you enough to rail you into next week? If anything this little fact was enough to have you holding your head a little higher and answering peoples questions about it with a subtle air of mystery.

Are you two sleeping together? Why does it concern you? So what, you and Mingyu are like, a thing now? Thing? I prefer to say we're friends. Is he any good? Sure, he's great at a lot of things.

All of your answers left people reeling and had Mingyu grateful. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready to face the fear of commitment, so the fact that you answered everyone's questions so nonchalantly lifted a weight off his shoulders. That was the case until even you started to wonder what the two of you were doing.

"Gyu, are we dating?" You asked over coffee. The pair of you sitting in the back of the dimly lit cafe down the street from the college.

He avoided your gaze, taking a sip of his drink, sighing "Well, we are surely more than friends with benefits at this point," he answered carefully.

You rolled your eyes and smiled, "You met my dad and practically spend every night at my place. We are surely more than friends with benefits unless by benefits you meant dating."

He chuckled and took another drink, "C'mon we can talk about this later, you're supposed to be helping me study for this English exam that we have tomorrow."

"Yea, yea," you groaned, half at the study materials in front of you and half at his dodging of your question.

"Oh," he exclaimed, "are you coming to my game Friday night? It's our homecoming game."

"I mean, do I need to?"

"Well, who else am I going to point to when I score the winning point and take us to finals?"

He smiled widely at you and you sighed, "I'll see what I can do Gyu, but I already made plans to go out with the boys."

Mingyu pouted at you, "Fine~ But if I don't see you in the stands you owe me pizza."


He holds out his pinkie and you wrap your own around it, before pressing your thumb to his.


There you were in the middle of the packed stands at the only lacrosse game you'd ever been to. Vernon and Dokyeom on one side of you, Seungkwan and Soonyoung on the other. You all wore eye black on your cheeks and your school colors, baby blue and pastel yellow. You had called in a favor from Minghao, who called in a favor from Jeonghan, in order to get the shirt you were wearing now. The cropped "baseball" tee had "Gyu's Girl" written across the front and a large #17 on the back in the same style as the number on his jersey.

You were nervous to be wearing something that so publicly claimed Mingyu, mostly due to the fact that you weren't sure if he'd claim you back, but all of the thoughts concerning that disappeared as you let the atmosphere of the game suck you and really get you involved. You and the boys cheered and chanted along with the rest of the student body as you watched Mingyu work towards the goal he'd made for himself and told you about, making the winning shot.

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