7: Peach

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I've come to the conclusion that all my theories about my sleep schedule are wrong. I should be sleeping now. It's 3 AM, however, and I'm at the depths of Safiya Nygaard's Youtube channel. I gave up on trying to sleep about an hour ago, when I started counting sheep but stopped at the eighteenth. Instead of relaxing, I grabbed a calculator to see what my total grade would be if I have an eighteen in Chemistry, which I hate to admit is the most possible senario. 

Two hours ago I had said I'd be sleeping by three, but now I'm wide awake and searching for a video on Safiya's channel I haven't already watched. Spoiler alert: there are none.

I go on Instagram and check if Alex or Olivia are awake, but to no avail. They were last active over an hour ago. Our group chat, though, has the little green dot on it, meaning Kal is still active. I'm not desperate enough to start a chat with him, so I go back to Youtube and search for Claire Dim's channel. It's mostly FX makeup which is always pleasant to watch, unlike regular makeup videos which make me anxious that after years of trying I still can't do a proper cateye.

I tap on a random video in which Claire paints a tattoo on her arm. I'm laying on my side, having steadied my phone on the board of my bed, and let Claire's instructions go in one ear and out the other. I wouldn't ever be able to recreate that.

And all of a sudden, I receive a notification from none other than Kal. I debate on swiping past it and continuing on with the video or responding. The first option wins, but only out of curiosity.

alltimekal: are you awake?

sum.mer.41: no

alltimekal: then how did you reply?

I frown at his message. Does he think he's funny?

Since he clearly doesn't have anything to tell me, I exit the app and go back to Youtube. Before I can even choose a new video, I get another notification.

alltimekal: are you nervous about tomorrow? or actually today

I close my eyes shut and let out a muffled scream. Kal's social skills are less than those of a lettuce leaf's, and he's way less interesting than one. I don't even feel bad for leaving him on read and going back to the video I was watching.

Or that was the plan. He keeps texting me.

alltimekal: I am. I think I have an almost perfect score and that's terrifying

I have never felt a bigger urge to punch a screen in hopes it would hurt the person on the other side.

sum.mer.41: *sniff sniff*

I exit the app again, feeling angrier than ever. How can he say that? I can't even imagine his train of thought.

With a sigh, I go back on Youtube and tap on a Deeper than Hair TV video. They always manage to calm me. The hairstylist is the sweetest person ever and the way she tames these pretty curls and coils into smooth manes is satisfying. It's as if along with the coils my nerves get detangled too. 

But no. The ping from Instagram keeps interrupting the sound from the video. I ignore it initially, thinking he'll stop at some point.

No. He keeps on sending messages.

For the last time, I go on the stupid app to mute him. But then I see the preview of his latest message.

alltimekal: I'm really really really sorr-

My curiosity gets the best of me again. I tap on the chat.

allttimekal: what i mean is i dont want a perfect score
alltimekal: bc then i won't be able to apply for med
alltimekal: and i really hate med
alltimekal: but it's not for me
alltimekal: i hate the sight of blood
alltimekal: i didnt mean im so smart i got a perfect score
alltimekal: my brother had a 19.07 and he's stupid anyway
alltimekal: im really really really sorry if you got me the wrong way

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