•Apple Picking•

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Dear Gilbert ,

I have so many questions about Billy , but we have more exciting things to talk about!

I had spoken with Marilla about a fall wedding and she absolutely loves the idea. I know it's our wedding but I felt like it would be nice if Marilla could help us with some of this stuff.

A fall wedding sounds amazing. With all the leaves everywhere , we'll have to have a date in the beginning of fall that way it'll still look pretty.

I can't wait to see you . It's 4 months now I guess . Seems to be whenever we send letter another months goes by.

Love you ,


March 8th 1900

Dear Anne ,

I knew you would have questions about billy , I just happened to see him a few days ago . It was pretty awkward, I saw him and he seemed so happy to see me. It was like I was his 'bud' again.

Anyways , how does October 10th sound? It's the beginning of Autumn and since it is it'll match your hair and your personality. Nothing bad , even you know that you sometimes have a bad temper . But that's just one of the things that I love about you.

Happy belated birthday as well!! I do have a present for you. It'll come with the letter . I hope that you'll like it and if you write back that it's too much and send it back , I'll keep sending it back until you give up and keep it .

Love you ,


April 14th 1900

Marilla knocked on Anne's door with a huge smiled across her face . She had seen that there was something with the letter and knew that it had to be a present. Anne had been 18 now for a month .

She wasn't too excited for this birthday. Since Gilbert wasn't there to celebrate with her . "Come in!" She shouted from inside the room. Marilla grabbed the door knob and twisted it until the door opened. As she walked into the room Anne shot right up with an open mouth/wide smile. "Is that-?" Anne began to speak , Marilla interrupted her but giving her the gift and replying with . "Yes Anne. Now open it! I'll leave you to open it by yourself since this is what? Second present from him?" Marilla smiled and walked away.

Anne shook her head knowing that Gilbert had given her a present almost three years ago without Matthew or Marilla knowing.

She opened the letter first , read through it as fast as she could. Knowing that the gift beside her on her bed was most likely a birthday present .

She grabbed it and opened the lid , it was in a black box almost like a ring box . Inside was a necklace with two charms . One said 'Carrots' and the other had a slate on it . She laughed as she stood up to face to her mirror as she tried to put it on.

Dear Gilbert ,

Thank you so much for the necklace . It's absolutely beautiful. I also love that you put something on it that made me so embarrassed with myself that I didn't go to school for a few weeks.

October 10th sounds amazing , you're right with temper part . I do have a bad temper and thank for saying that I look good in fall. I'm so excited for the wedding ! I'll ask Marilla to help me invite everyone that we want . When you send me your next letter maybe you could send some names of people that you want to come.

That would be much appreciated.

Thank you so much again for the gift and I won't cause any trouble by saying that it's too much . I know that you would send the necklace back until I gave in.

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