• Goodbye •

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A couple weeks went by and Anne's leg got better everyday . Once a day Diana would come and visit Anne , since she can't go to school as she has to rest .

"Diana! Oh my kindred spirit! How are you?" Anne practically screeched. Diana smiled and sat down beside Anne on her bed.

"Well I'm quite alright , but now how are things between you and Gilbert?" Diana moved her eyebrows up and down until she saw the look anne was giving her.

"Sorry it's just you two haven't spoken in weeks! You two are meant to be together , you can't let a silly fight get between you !" Anne sighed and sat up from leaning on her pillow.

"Diana , it's not a silly fight! He knows now that Alice was the rudest , cruelest person ever! And yet he still wants to be friends with her-" Diana cut Anne off trying to get things straight.

"Wait , hold on! Didn't you say that Gilbert and Alice can still be friends? And that you didn't want to be a person who broke up a friendship!" Anne crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Diana I get that you probably think Gilbert's right on this one but he's not! Him and Alice were hanging out so much and I got I don't know , jealous? But he didn't ask for me , at all! I thought he liked me , not her!" Anne at this point had tears streaming down her face . Just like Gilbert , Diana didn't know what to say.

"You know what Anne?" Anne looked at Diana trying to smile but tears were still rolling down her pale cheek.

"What Diana? That I should go apologize to Gilbert? For over reacting? No , no I'm not okay? Alice hurt me , more than anyone else ever has in my whole life , other than some of my foster parents but still!" Diana put her hand on Anne's shoulder and smiled.

"That's not what I was going to say at all, I was going to say that a couple weeks ago Gilbert planned a whole romantic "date" for you two and you completely blew it! He stood at that tree for an hour . Cole and I finally got there and he was in tears , Anne." Anne had never really thought of how Gilbert would of react when Anne never showed .

Now she felt terrible. "So you are saying that I should apologize." Anne Asked. Anne was confused on what Diana was saying.

"Yes and no , yes you should apologize for standing him up and no you shouldn't apologize for being hurt." Anne nodded her head and got up from her bed very slowly. She started to limp her way to the stair case. Diana saw that Anne was struggling a little. She quickly rushed over and adjusted Anne so she couldn't fall. Anne thanked her and told Diana the plan.


"No , nope , no way!" Cole crossed his arms and shook his head. Anne and Diana looked at each other and smiled .

"Yes! Okay i need to talk to Gilbert and apologize for being rude and also to just speak to him about the whole Alice thing!" Anne tried to make Cole agree to this idea but he just didn't want to.

"Cole , you're usually up to this kind of thing! What happened??" Cole sighed and looked up at the two girls with excitement.

"Well , if you must know! I'm moving back here! To Avonlea. Ruby's family offered to take me in. Today I have to pack up all my things and moved them to Ruby's house." Cole , Diana and Anne screamed with excitement and started to talk about how much fun it'll be to see cole always.

"Okay so I guess I'll just have to go with the old fashion way in asking someone to hangout , go up to their house , knock on the door and ask them!" Diana and Cole smiled and nodded their heads.


Anne's leg felt a lot better , it's been 5 weeks since her accident and her leg has made a big improvement. Anne saw Gilbert house , took a deep breathe and walked up to it.

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