• The project 2.0 •

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The school day was over and all the students had gotten up to grab their things . The project was due in two days and of course no one had started it. Anne was extremely excited for Diana , Charlie and Gilbert to come over to do the project. She's never had anyone over for that sort of thing.

"You ready?" Gilbert stood beside Anne with a goofy smile. She nodded her head and took Gilbert's hand. Diana looked at Charlie with an uncomfortable look and followed Anne and Gilbert through the path. Charlie followed quickly behind.

They arrived at Green Gables. Charlie had never been to Anne's house before . "Jeez , your house is big!" Charlie looked at the house and turned around to see a huge farm.

"Haven't you seen it before?" Anne looked at Charlie with confusion. Charlie laughed and shook his head , he saw someone in the farm but decided it was no one , just his brain playing tricks on him. Again.

"Yeah you did. You know , when green gables was caught on fire? All the boys and men had to put it out." Anne was trying to convince Charlie , But Charlie being Charlie he had no clue. Gilbert just sat back and observed knowing that Anne will never convince Charlie.

"Anyway! Let's go in and figure out who we're going to ask!" Anne skipped into the house , along with Diana , Charlie and Gilbert following her.


They had finished the assignment and headed back to green gables.

"So what are you guys going to write for your letter. For our graduation" Anne and Gilbert were walking hand in hand , ahead of Diana and Charlie. Which the two were very uncomfortable, both not totally sure of their feelings.

"I don't know yet. Avonlea is pretty special to me. It's where I met you" Gilbert looked at Anne with his well known heart eyes. She laughed and turned her head to look at Diana. She could sense the tension from where she was walking.

"Hey , does Charlie still like Josie?" Anne leaned over to Gilbert and whispered. He shook his head and looked over to see Diana right behind them both and Charlie behind her.

"Does Diana like him or something?" Gilbert looked at Anne with a confused look. She nodded her head with a smile and tried not to laugh at Gilbert's nonsense.

"How can you not tell? She stares at him at school and talks about him non stop!" Anne whispered. This was news to Gilbert , also reminded him of a certain someone.

"Just like how you couldn't tell when u liked you. I would stare at you all the time and talk about you , a lot. Ask Charlie and Moody" Gilbert chuckled to himself. Anne nodded her head in agreement.


Anne was practically finished with her project , seeing as she writes pretty fast. Gilbert was a close second . Diana was still thinks of ideas and Charlie hadn't even started yet. He kept getting distracted by the smallest things.

"Okay everyone. I wanna play a game" Anne sat up from laying on the floor. She sat up and smiled. Gilbert nodded his head and turned his body facing Anne. Diana and Charlie both nodded their heads and looked at Anne.

"Okay , it's like the project. What's your favourite things about Avonlea?" Anne Asked the group of friends. Gilbert already had numerous answers. Diana had a few and Charlie had none. Anne waited for her guests to speak but no one did. So she decided she would.

"Okay , I wrote about this in my letter. So I'll give you guys a sneak peek!" Anne giggled and took a breath before speaking.

"Avonlea is my home. I met and made so many friends and now I have an amazing family" Anne smiled and turned to Gilbert . Charlie's and Diana's face were both in confusion.

• My Anne with an e •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن