•Speech's and Surprises•

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"Diana! I heard the words " will you marry me" I don't understand. How can one hear something but. Ugh! I don't know anymore" Anne was over at Diana's house , pacing around . She knew that today was graduation day . She had to prepare her speech .

"I shouldn't even be thinking about this! I'm 17. I should be thinking of college and the rest of my life. Not that getting married isn't in the rest of my life. It is." Diana could tell anne was overwhelmed. Waiting for the entrance exams results , her speech plus that fact that she's been thinking of marriage a lot .

"Anne! I'm sure your okay! It must've just been a miss understanding on your part. You never know if he's thinking of marriage too" Diana thought this would calm Anne down but it only made it worse.

"You're right. What if he's stressing out about it too. He knows I want an education but then again if he wants it I would too. I don't know Diana. Am I overthinking the whole situation?" Anne sat down on Diana's bed beside her. Diana nodded her and and spoke.

"Yes and no. Yes you're overthinking a lot. I was just trying to clam you down but obviously that didn't work and no because it's okay to be stressed about this sort of thing. You're young . Maybe Gilbert is thinking of it but he knows what you want. And what you need" Diana said reassuring Anne with a kind smile. Anne had her idea face on and Diana sat back to listen.

"After we get the results Gilbert and I will have a picnic! I can talk to him about the whole situation" Anne smiled to herself and turned to Diana.

"So how has your life been?" Anne asked without laughing. But poor Diana couldn't help but laugh at such an odd question.

"How's my life been? Anne you literally spent the last hour rambling about everything that has been going on" Diana giggled as Anne laughed very loudly.


Miss Stacy walked into the schoolhouse with a wide smile. She looked at Anne and put a thumbs up. Anne felt some relief.

"Okay students before you all come up here and check I just wanted to say. You have been the best class ever. I couldn't of asked for a better class. I'll miss you all very very much. And now without further ado. The results!" Miss Stacy slammed them on her desk as every student came up with laughter and excitement.

"I got in ! I got in!" Charlie said with happiness. Anne looked at Gilbert and took a breath before looking. As she looked her face changed into a rather shocked face .

She ran over to Gilbert and hugged him. She smiled and said " we tied! We tied for first! Oh my this is the best! I got in" Anne had a huge smile plastered across her face and couldn't hold the excitement any longer.

"Oh I also had ask you. Want to have a picnic? Miss Stacy said she's letting us go early to get ready for the graduation. I thought it would be a good way to chat and get ready" Anne let go of Gilbert and asked. He nodded his head.

"Of course! It's sounds like a fantastic idea!" Gilbert wrapped his arm around Anne and kissed the top of her head .

"I'm so very glad of all of you. As you may know I'm letting you go early . To get ready and practice . So this is the last time I'll say. Class dismissed!" Miss Stacy said goodbye to all her students and noticed Anne coming up to her.

"Here . It's my address in queens. That way we can write to eachother and stay in touch" Anne smiled and hugged miss Stacy.

"I'll miss you so much Anne. I'm looking forward for your speech" Anne nodded her head and looked at Gilbert with a smile. She headed out the door hand in hand for the last time as a student. He waved goodbye to Miss Stacy and sighed.

• My Anne with an e •Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz