• The break up? •

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"You're courting? Ma man!" Moody said while walking up to Gilbert and High-fiving him.
"I told you she liked you! You were such a chicken . Moody pay up" Charlie put his hand out for Moody. "Charlie ,Moody , Moody what does he mean by "pay up"?" Anne said with confusion. Charlie and Moody looked at each other than ran to their seats.

Ruby , Jane and Tillie walked up to Anne and Gilbert. Jane Hughes Anne , Tillie smiled at her and Ruby didn't seem that sad. "Ruby , I'm ever so sorry . I hope you can forgive me. I was going to tell you guys but I just wanted it to be a secret." Ruby laughed. "Why , why are you laughing" Anne was very confused. She knew ruby was a good friend. She had liked Gilbert since she was a little girl and now one of her good friend was courting him.
"Oh Anne , I hadn't told you yet. I don't like Gilbert that way anymore! I like someone else." Ruby looked at Moody really quick then turned back.

Anne was relieved. Then she saw Josie with a angry face. Josie saw Anne staring at her and have her a death look.

"Hello students. Today we are going to -" mrs . Stacy heard a whisper . She looked around the room to see who was talking while she was.

"Today I was thinking we could change up our seats. You kids re always sitting in the same seats. It must me extremely boring"

Anne looked around the room to see who she would like to sit with. Diana , Ruby, Jane. But then Gilbert caught her eye. She saw that he was staring at her. She smiled and nodded her head.

"It can be Girls and Boys too." The class laughed. They all looked at Anne and Gilbert. "What on earth did I miss?" The class looked to Charlie. He was Gilbert's  bestfriend. "Anne and Gilbert are um- courting.." Anne looked at Charlie and screamed . " Charlie!!" Mrs Stacy looked at Anne.

She knew that Gilbert like Anne since she had gotten the teaching job. She always catches Gilbert staring at Anne during a lesson or whenever he's talking to her or about her , he blushes.
"Anne , there's no point in keeping it quiet now. Yes Mrs Stacy were courting. We wanted to keep it a secret. We wanted to tell everyone on our own time. Someone in the class had told the whole class and Anne and I!"

Anne looked at Gilbert . She looked relieved that he hadn't used Josie's name. "We didn't want people to get all excited." Ruby laughed. Anne turned around to ruby. Anne wondered why on earth was ruby laughing. She likes Gilbert too. Anne turned back to see Josie standing right in front of her.
" this is my seat now. Move , go sit with your boy - friend" Josie pushed Anne to the ground. Anne roller her eyes and got up. She was fine with sitting with Gilbert. After all they were courting.

She walked up to Gilbert and smiled at him. "I'm happy that we can sit together" gilbert blushed. He was very excited to be sitting beside Anne. Of course it was only for one day but still . "Me too"

Lunch time

Anne got up from her seat and grabbed her lunch. She walked over to where she normally sits. Right beside Diana , diagonal of ruby and across from josie. Anne sat down and opened her lunch. "Um what do you think you're doing here?" Anne rolled her eyes at Josie. She hated her guts. Josie loves spreading lies about Anne. Even though they aren't true. Expect this one wasn't a lie , she was really courting Gilbert Blythe. "May I ask why not?"

Josie crosses her arms. She was very upset with Anne. Gilbert doesn't deserve someone like Anne , he deserve someone like Josie. "Go away. I don't want to see your ugly face anymore. It's making my appetite go away." Anne almost cried. She huffed and packed up her food. Diana got up to walk out with her but Anne put her hand on Diana. "Diana it's okay. I promised Gilbert something anyways".

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