•It's the day•

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Hey guys! So I got tagged by Lannathemaydog , sorry if I don't do this right 😂 Also the next chapter is right underneath all of this so if you'd like you can just skip and read it! ❤️

As you might know my favourite show it Anne with an e , it's my favourite show because I've learned so much from it . Like about history , what happened back then. If you've never watched it you should! It's on Netflix

I play some sports , not a lot though. My absolute favourite sport is probably Volleyball. If any counts dance as a sport than that's my second 😂.

I enjoy reading fanfics online. I never really read an actual book that's not online. I like fanfics because you can just make up things but it's related to the show or book. I do love writing and drawing , I don't draw that much but once I start I draw for weeks . Then of course I stop and the cycle goes on and on :)

I can't tell you my name or age but I enjoy replying to everyone's comments. I'm very sorry if you've texted me and I didn't answer . I can't answer for some odd reason , if I couldn't I definitely would!!

I didn't really know what to write on here so I guess the rest will be I hope you've liked this book so far , more chapters are on their way!! Last chapter was an adventure ☺️😂

These are the people I tag , I didn't know how many people to tag so I tagged this much 😅😂


Oh and thank you so much for 16k reads!! 💗

Now let's get on with the next chapter ❤️


The sun was bright and the birds were chirping. As Anne made her way downstairs to get some breakfast for her and Diana she noticed the Diana was already down.

"My my , Ive never seen you up so early!" Anne laughed . Diana nodded her head with a little sigh before getting up and helping Anne make their breakfast.

"So are you excited? Today's the big day!" Anne exclaimed trying to get Diana pumped up. She placed some bread over the fire to let it toast. Diana nodded her head slowly , Anne could see that she was contemplating something.

"Is everything alright Diana?" Anne asked , she placed her hand over top of Diana to let her know that she was there for her no matter what. Her bosom friend shrugged her shoulders not really knowing what to say. All of the sudden the two girls heard the front door open with a loud noise following it.

"Hello my friends! Diana it's your big day , which starts in like 3 hours so eat up then go to Anne's bedroom and we'll be there in a couple minutes." Cole have diana some food and shooed her up the stairs. As he turned back to anne he saw her with a confused but happy look.

"Cole! Oh how I've missed you!" Anne said as she wrapped her arms around the young man. He followed happy to see one of his best friends .

"When did you get back from New York?" Cole asked, he pulled out a seat and sat down eager to hear everything.

"Well just yesterday. Gil and I had to split up so I'm with Diana and he's with Fred" Anne chuckled. She then grabbed the toast and placed it on one plate . She saw Coles face , he had a surprised yet happy look on his face. He looked as if he was about to laugh .

"I could just imagine Gilbert and Fred just sitting there . In silence. Doing nothing for the whole entire day" Cole started to laugh forgetting that Marilla was probably asleep.

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