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When she opened the door she saw two young men smiling like an idiot.

"What happened?
She asked while being little confused.

"actually the tv is not working. Can we watch it here?"
The pink haired male said grinning more.And Y/n  gave them a strange look like .... What?

"If you are feeling awkward then we will go."
The oldest of the BTS group said with a manipulative smile lingering on his lips.

" like that you can."
She said getting little embarrassed and allowed them inside her apartment.

Then they both ran towards the TV. She went to her bedroom and locked to the door. 

After Y\N went to her room and locked her door. 

" I told you she will feel awkward."
Jin wishpered while changing the channel.

"Don't forget why we are here."
The pink haired male replied.

"Well for your kind information don't know why I'm even here."

"Then Listen Hyung, we are here to know that she had feelings for Tae or not."

" If I had knewn this before, I shouldn't have come."

"Hyung you don't want that Tae should get a nice girl like her."

" Shut up you punk. I will tell this plan to Yoongi. He will take good care of your mood swings."

" Hyung .. Hyung... I beg you ... I will do anything you will say but don't tell anything to Yoongi hyung. He will beat the ass out of me with his tongue technology."

" Let's go then."

"Hyung give me a chance, I will prove you."

" You will prove it later, first, let's get out from here." Jin said glaring at his Mankae.

" Y\N we are going."
Finally Jin said and drag Jimin towards their dorm.  As soon as they opened the door Jin shouted " Yoongi do you know."

By seeing Jin running towards Yoongi to say what Jimin did. Jimin ran to fast to shut Jin's mouth.

" Why? What happened?"
The mint haired male asked looking unbothred.

" Hyung was about to say that he is hungry so make food as soon as possible."
Jimin said in one go.

"Then why do you have to run so fast for this small thing."
Yoongi asked again still looking uninterested in their bickering.

"The thing is that I just don't want my WWH to speak such a hard thing. It's not good for his face."
After hearing this Jin gave Jimin a judge look who was just nervous as hell.

" Do you even know what you are saying."
Yoongi replied giving him a disgusted looks

Like this, the whole day passed with the same fun and excitement.


Tae was so happy, she said to meet her but still he was excited to talk to her till that day come. On the way to the bridge, he took flowers for her. In a hope that she will like it.

The girl greeted him with a smile which  he cannot see because of the darkness.

" You are already here?"
The blue haired male asked thinking about may be she was waiting for him.

"Today, it's so dark here."
The girl said from nowhere.

"Why? Did you want to show your face to me?"

" If I didn't reach up to your expectations?"

" You are talking about-face?"
The male asked little curiously.

" No... Not about-face only... I'm asking you about the whole appearance."

"My grandmother taught me not to judge anyone or anything by their outer look."
Taehyung said remembering his grandmother's beautiful words.

" But everyone does"

"I know it's not our fault we just live in a judgmental society. Is everything ok?"
Tae suddenly asked

" Yes."

" Then why you are asking me this?"

" Just like that."

"Tell me ... We are not strangers now."

"Seriously, there is nothing."

"I have something for you."

She took the flowers from him and asked .."it's Daffodils...That's my favourite flower." He could only guess her happiness from her voice.

" I have to go now..bye..see you soon."
She said after some comforting silence.

"Tell me when?"

" Next Saturday. 7:30 Pm"

" Ok then, Bye."



WANNA BE YOURS  {BTS || KIM TAE-HYUNG} Where stories live. Discover now