Alternate Ending

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"You're nothing. You have no purpose."

Elliott's eyes soften.

"You haven't found your purpose and you never will. You are going to die tonight."

"Think about what mom would want you to do," Elliott says.

My mind flickers to when mom died.


"I want to see Slash."

I step in front of mom. Mom is lying in her bed.

"Yes, Mom?"

"I want you to know that even if I have been paying more attention to Elliott than you the last few years, I love you a lot. I love you, Slash."

I smile. My eyes start watering. A tear slides down my cheek. I wipe it away before anyone sees.


I shake my head to pull myself out of the past. Back to Elliott and the battle.

"No. No. Mom's gone!"

I push Elliott back with my foot. Our swords clash. I slash at him, he kicks me. I block his sword with mine. I swing my sword under his and stab him. He falls down the hill. Everyone stops and looks.

"We won!" I yell, "Everyone bow down to the Wolfums!"

I order my army to kill the rest of Elliott's army. We march triumphantly through the forest, heading back home. When we emerge from the forest, everyone cheers. Manu comes rushing through the crowd, Holly follows him.

Last time, I was here Manu told me that Holly was his daughter. We won. We won. I can't believe it. I killed Elliott. My life long dream is complete. I ended Elliott's life. But what I don't know is that Elliott's life has only begun. 

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