Chapter 7 - Scared

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What I see in the middle of the human village scares me so much. I forget who I am for a second. In the middle of the village, I see a Wolfum tied to a pole. They must really hate Wolfums. The humans are dancing around the pole in triumph. They are acting like little wolfums on the full moon.

I back up even more. I brush a branch that waves wildly. A boy sees it and comes over.

"There's a wolf creature in these bushes!" he yells at the top of his lungs.

I move farther back and scare myself out of my skin, with thoughts of what they will do to me. The adults start coming over.

"Don't fight us. We will kill you if you do. Heck, we'll kill you anyway!" says a big man with a even bigger mustache.

They ease in from the sides. I'm too scared to fight or run.

"Easy. Easy now. Stop fighting!" says mustache man.

They bind my wrists and lead me toward their village.

"Yeah!" the men yell in triumph.

Like catching a scared frozen wolf is hard. They lead me toward a house with a guard outside the door. We stand at the doorway looking inside.

There is a 5 to 4 foot pit in the house instead of a floor. The guard behind me pushes my back really hard. I fall into the pit. It hurts worse than it should because they didn't untie my hands, so I couldn't brace myself. I get up and shake my head.

"Oops. Forgot to untie you!" says mustache.

He slams the door shut, laughing. I look around. I see a few other wolfums. They are all huddled in groups. I see some with big scars and gashes, some with twisted expressions and body parts. Torture. They all looked tortured.

"Did you fight them?" asks a feeble voice in the corner.

I look, and I see a teenager with mousy brown hair and scars on his face, legs, and arms.

"N-No. I didn't," I say unsure.

The boy relaxes.

"Good. It's better if you don't fight. Trust me."

I nod.

"My name's Elliott," I say.

"Harry," answers the boy.

I look around some more.


I look towards the door, the others bring their groups in tighter.

"Psst, come here, quick!"

Harry motions for me to come toward him and a group of other boys. I go over, just in time too. The door slams open.

Mustache looks over us with a grim smile and gloves. I see what made the clank noise. He had a hatchet and had been running it along the walls of the building. He motions at someone behind the door. A ladder is brought to him, and he climbs down into the pit. He walks around looking at all the groups.

He stops in front of ours. I look up at his face. He smiles his evil smile and spits in my face. He turns around, goes back up the ladder, and slams the door, again. I breathe out and wipe the spit from my eyes.

"Sorry that had to happen to you," Harry says with sincere eyes.

"It's okay, wasn't your fault," I answer.

I sigh. I remember Mom and hope I don't start crying. Someone puts something through a slot in the wall. No one else seems to notice. I didn't notice it before, but there is a pile in the corner. I can't see what is in the pile. I scoot closer. I back away the second I scoot forward. The pile was made with tons and tons of Wolfum bones.

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