Chapter 40 - After Party, Pt. 1

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Slash gets struck by lightning. His army disbands and the humans are safe. So why do I feel so queasy?

"We did it!" Red yells.

She runs over and hugs me.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

My face must show my sadness.

"I don't know if this is good or bad. I mean he is my brother, even if he is a mean one," I say.

Red leads me and the rest of the army to the tavern, where the after party is taking place. I sit in the corner. Red comes over with some drinks. Fred follows her, happily slurping on a juice box.

"Come on, Elliott. Everyone's in a good mood. It would spoil their good attitude to see their leader down in the dumps," Red says.

"Sorry, just, I feel like something out there is going wrong. Like evil is rising right this instant," I says.

"You worry too much."

Fred goes to get another juice box.

"Elliott, can we stay friends forever?" Red asks.

"Always. Otherwise who would I have to buy my bed and food?" Red laughs.

I smile. Maybe I am over reacting. Everything is probably fine. 

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