Chapter 27 - Burn

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I sit back and watch the soldiers do their activities. Things like getting wood, fetching water, chopping wood, getting more water, sorting weapons, hunting for food. Basically, anything that makes sure they aren't sitting down or relaxing. A few feet away from where I'm sitting, some soldiers are starting a fire.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Starting a fire, sir," one soldier says.

They look up sheepishly at me.

"You are making the fire way to close too the tree, move it," I say, pointing to where the other fires are.

"But, sir, it's hard to move a fire."

"I don't care. Do it, now."

As the soldiers start to move the fire, one of their jackets catch on fire. The soldier starts batting at it and backs up to the tree. Fwoosh. The tree catches fire.

"Look what you did!" I yell at the soldier.

The soldier takes off his jacket and throws it near the camp. A tent catches on fire. Everyone is scrambling around. Trying to save as much as they can. Weapons, supplies, themselves. The fire spreads to every tent in camp. Soldiers are running around, trying to save things and put out the fire. I look around. I'm trapped in a circle of fire.

"What are you doing! Get over here and help me!" I yell through the smoke and flames.

The soldiers don't hear me. Smoke starts to get in my lungs. I cough. The tree and the fort are completely engulfed in the flames. A branch falls on me. I push it off, but not before it burns me.

Splash. Water is thrown on me. The flames are put out. I go into the remains of the burned tree. It's burned but still standing. I fall to the ground and cover my burning face with my hands.

"Here's more water!"

"Where is sir Slash?"

"Are you alright, Tom?" The soldiers talk and put out the fires. When all the fire is out, I push myself up and hold on to the rim of the tree for balance. I hear the soldiers gasp.

"Sir, are you alright?" Asks a soldier.

"What do you think?" I ask.

"I don't know," answers the soldier.

"Do you think I'm alright?!" I yell.

I let go of my face and look up at the soldiers. The soldiers cringe at the sight of my face. The right half is burned and I can't see out of my right eye. My right arm is also burned, and so is part of my leg. I breathe and touch my face again. I feel for the nonexistenting eyebrow.

"Get all the saved supplies and follow me," I stumble away from the tree.

None of the soldiers move.

"Now!" I roar.

The soldiers spring into action and scramble about.


I look to see a soldier staying next to me. The soldier also got burned. I feel a connection with the soldier.

"What? Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Private Louis Maple. It might help your burn if you hold a canteen against it. It helps me," Private Louis says, as he holds out a canteen.

I take it and hold it against my burn. It feels so good. I give Private Louis a thankful nod, and a hint of a smile. He nods and goes to help the rest of the soldiers get the supplies.

"Wait!" I say.

Louis looks over his shoulder.

"Um, uh. You're being promoted. From now on you are General Louis," I say.

Louis nods with a smile. Then he goes back to helping with the supplies. I watch him for a few seconds.

Then I say, "Let's move out! Take everything!"

The soldiers follow me back towards the village. I flip the canteen over to access the cooler side. Every time I see fire after that, I cringe. But I also feel proud to say that my marred reflection is the product of a fire. So I guess it's a win-win.

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