Chapter 18 - I'm Back

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The few soldiers that died in the battle were forgotten. We left them where they lay and left. On the way back, we pass the village that burned ours. It had also been burned. I smell Elliott's scent here too.

As we continue, we stay in the shadows. We see one lost human who is very terrified. He has a big body and a even bigger mustache. He jumps out of his skin at the slightest sound. Some of the soldiers want to scare him. They do. Mustache man goes running into the forest screaming like a girl calling for her mommy.

I scold the soldiers and strip them of supplies. Weapons included. Then they are sent on a different path to find their way home. When we get to the village, the repairs had been finished. The villagers stop what they are doing and cheer for us when we march past them.

After the soldiers go to the armory, I go to the castle. When I reach the castle, I find Manu waiting for me.

"Sir! You're alright!" Manu says as he rushes to my side.

I keep walking into the castle.

"Yes, I'm fine. What about it?" I say.

Manu says, "I was just worried, that's all."

I stop walking to face Manu.

"Do you think I can't handle myself? Because guess what, I can," I say.

Then I continue walking, leaving Manu standing there with his jaw at his feet. I go to Dad's office. When I enter, Dad's standing at the window looking at the village.

"I saw you come back," Dad says.

"Yeah?" I respond, "What of it?"

Dad looks at me.

"I want you to know that I'm proud of you," Dad says as he sits down in his chair.

I stiffen up.

"Why?" I ask.

Dad looks confused.

"You have never praised me. You always compare me to my brothers. You always point out my flaws. You have never believed in me," I say.

Dad looks hesitant.

"Why?" I ask, again.

Dad starts shuffling through his papers.

"You better go," he says, "You must be tired."

"I'm not tired," I say quickly.

"Yes, you are," dad says.

I know dad isn't going to give me an answer so I spin on my heels and walk out the door.

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