Chapter 35 - The First Battle, Pt. 1

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"They all said yes," one of the messengers says.

"Good," Elliott responds, "We're going to attack today."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" I ask.

Elliott looks at me.

"Tell Red what you saw, Maurice."

Maurice steps forward.

"I saw an army. Marching this way. Causing chaos where ever they went," Maurice says.

Fred bounds into the room.

"Story time?" he asks.

I shake my head. Fred pouts.

"Let's go," Elliott says as he picks up his sword and shield that he got from the wizard.

He is already wearing his armor. I follow him. Fred follows me. The villagers follow us.

On the way, more villagers join us. Whole villages, in fact. I look around. The villagers look angry. Some carry swords, others carry pitchforks or everyday items. I wonder if it was a good idea for everyone to come with us. The children should have stayed behind.

"Elliott, I think we should send some people back with the kids. We don't want our whole army dying," I say.

Elliott thinks about it.

"You're right, Red," he says, "Women and children, go back to the villages. Some of the men go back too."

I look at the army again.

"Better?" Elliott asks.

I nod.

"By the way, I'm still coming with you. Fred can go back with Jill's family," I say.

"I'm not going back," Fred says.

"I don't want to be responsible for your death," I say.

"You won't be. I will be," Fred says.

I sigh.

"Alright. But stay close to me."

Fred's face lights up. We continue walking through the forest. Elliott's ears prick up.

"I hear something. Everyone stop and be quiet," He says.

We crouch down in the bushes on the outside of a clearing. I hear something too. On the other side of the clearing is Slash's army of wolfums. They look a lot more fierce and prepared than we are. Elliott stands up and leads our army into the clearing. Slash notices us. It's a flat clearing. Nowhere to hide, except in the bushes on the edge of the clearing.

"Go hide in the bushes," Elliott says to me and Fred.

I nod. I lead Fred through our army and hide him in the bushes.

"Elliott!" Slash yells across the clearing.

I can't see Elliott's face, but his hands are balled into fists. He shoots his fingers out of the fist and his claws pop out. He is ready to fight. Fred tries to see what is happening. I push him down farther into the bushes.

"Charge!" Slash yells.

Elliott raises his sword and his army charges also. The wolfums are charging fast across the clearing. Swords clash, People are stabbed. Then I see something truly disturbing. A scream dies in my mouth. I hold my hand over my mouth. I slide down into the bushes.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks.

I shake my head, trying to rid the image from my mind.

"Nothing. Nothing happened," I say.

I bring Fred closer to me. Battle cries surround us. But the battle cries quickly turn to screams that come from death itself.

It's like death is making its way across the clearing, swinging it's scythe through anyone in its way. Death is never more than a few feet away. Ready to take you as its own. But here, death is sitting on your head. Ready for you to die.

I peek over the bushes a while later. The battle is still in full swing. Death is still hovering over heads. Bodies are scattered across the clearing.

I recognize the body of Mustache Man. His eyes are misted over and his mustache is caked in blood. I can't even describe how the rest of his body looks. I sink back down, feeling a little light headed.

"Red!" Fred whispers, "You look like a green pea that I had for lunch!"

I hug Fred close to me. Never wanting to let go. I hear the battle cries and screams of death getting closer.

"I hope Elliott's okay," Fred says.

"Me too. Me too."

I breathe deeply. I hear a roar come from behind the bushes. I look over and see a wolfum soldier charging towards us. I duck down. I hear metal hit metal. I look back up. Elliott had jumped in front of the bush that we're hiding behind and deflected the blow. Elliott stabs the wolfum in the stomach.

The battle has dwindled to a small fight. There is barely anyone left. Slash runs towards Elliott. Elliott runs away. He kills any of Slash's soldiers that are in his way. Slash kills any of our soldiers that are in his way.

Eventually, there is only Slash and Elliott that is on the battle field. Somehow, during the battle, Elliott lost all his armor. I can tell Elliott is running out of ideas. I jump up out of the bushes. Slash's attention turns to me.

"Hey!" I yell then I jump back down in the bushes and watch.

Slash looks confused. I smile. Good.

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