Chapter 20 - Elliot to the Rescue

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I am hiding in the bushes when I hear Red's voice. I peek over the bushes. Red is being surrounded by a bunch of thugs. I look around for something that could help. Bingo. I spot a double floating scooter. I go over to it. I look left and right. No one is around. I hop on.


The leader grabs my wrist and yanks on it.

"Ow! That hurt! Didn't your mother ever teach you to not hurt a girl?" I say.

"Well, considering I'm hurting you now, I'd say no. Why shouldn't I hurt a girl?"

The thug leader smirks.

"Because it's very rude!"

At that last word I step, no, I stomp on his foot. He lets go of my hand and reaches down for his foot. In that split second, I turn to run before he can grab me again, but I am blocked by a tattooed thug with white hair.

"Uh-uh! No running!" He says. I glare at him and he glares back. We glare at each other for a few more seconds, then I make my move. I kick him in the place where everyone knows it hurts. As he doubles over in pain, I run past, just to get caught by another thug. There must be thugs everywhere, I think.This thug twists my arm so I won't run away. Then he leads me back over to the leader.

"Feisty one, aren't you. We'll soon take care of that," says the leader.

Just then we hear a roar. Two, actually. One from a scooter, the other from Elliott. He comes roaring down the street, straight at us. The thugs scramble to get out of the way.

Unfortunately, so does the one holding me. Elliott turns around at the end of the street. The boss raises his free hand, and the thugs get ready to attack.

I have to admit, I didn't think of Elliott as the fierce one when we were in the forest or at my house, but now. Now he is growling with anger. His claws are out, his eyes are telling the thugs to back off. Before he had stopped to face us, I could tell the thugs couldn't tell who or what had tried to attack them.

Now that they could see it is a wolfum, they are unsure if they want to attack or not. Elliott blasts back at them again, this time I help. As Elliott was knocking down one thug after another, I am working on my captor. I try to kick him, but he holds me at arm length. So I try biting. I bite his hand and dig my teeth into his flesh. He winces but won't let go.

Great, I think. Now, I'm not only having my arm twisted, but my mouth tastes like rotten fish. Elliott drives over and stops to help me. My mind starts to formulate a plan. Thugs start to pick themselves up and attack again. I whisper my plan to Elliott. He nods and gets my extra pair of headphones from my bag and puts my bag with his, in a compartment in the scooter.

"Hey!" The leader yells through the fray, "You can't take that! She's ours to steal from!"

I check to make sure Elliott has the headphones on before I start on my plan.

"Hey! Fatso!" I call to my captor, "I know how to stop him!"

He looks skeptical, but then brings his ear close to hear what it is. I take a deep breath, and then I scream. I scream louder than I've ever screamed in my life. I leave Fatso's ears ringing. He finally lets go of me to stop his head from shaking. The scream startles a few other thugs to. I rush over to where Elliott is.

"Nice scream. I could hear it even though I had the volume all the way up," Elliott says, taking off the headphones.

"Now isn't really a good time!" I say as I dodge a flying shoe.

Elliott nods in agreement and gets back on the scooter. I get on behind him. After making sure the compartment is closed, and dodging a flying cantaloupe, we zoom around the block and fly through the town for a few minutes so the thugs won't follow us. Then we go back to the woods.

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