Chapter 5 - Answers

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I wake up to a bang at my door.

"Slash! Slash! Slash! Open up! I know you're in there 'cause you never come out!"

I roll over and try to block out the banging.


I look up at the ceiling. The banging continues; so, I get up and lumber to the door. When I open it, I see Elliott looking at me with his hands behind his back, feet together, no smile, and his eyes pinned on me.

"What do you want?" I drone, while slumping my shoulders.

"Answers," is all Elliott says back.

He pushes past me and enters my room. He walks around looking at things, like he is an inspector. He stops and stares at the picture of Mom for a few minutes. Then he walks to the middle of my room and stares at me, again.

I'm still at the door watching him. He clears his throat and looks at me again, expectedly.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask.

"Answers," Elliott says again.

"What do you mean answers?" I asked.


"You're gonna have to tell me what answers you're looking for before I answer," I snap. I can feel myself getting irritated.

There are a few moments of silence.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Elliott suddenly asks.

I look taken back. I never expected that question.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Elliott repeats.

"I don't know," I manage to say.

"You do know. You have to know why you hate someone or you're just a random hater. Why do you hate me so much?"Elliott snaps back.

That answer slaps me in the face.

Once again, I answer, "I don't know."

Elliott huffs, "Fine. If you don't want to tell the brother you hate so much, don't tell. I came here looking for answers, not an 'I don't know' party! It is obvious you won't tell me and you never wanted to see me again, so goodbye, forever."

I'm still standing by the door, staring at him. He storms across the room and elbows his way out the door. He slams it on my back. Then everything is quiet once more.

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