Chapter 12 - Traps

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I march into my Dad's office. He barely looks up at me. He just signals for me to sit. I continue standing. He signals at me again. I stand up straighter. He looks up at me.

"I want to lead the attack on the next village," I say with authority.

Dad snorts. My face freezes.

"I want to lead the attack on the next village," I repeat.

Dad looks at me seriously this time.

"And why should I let you?" Dad answers.

"I want to lead the attack on the next village," I repeat, again.

Dad's face darkens.

"No," he says.

I keep at it until he caves in. I exit his office triumphant. I walk down the hall and out of the castle.

I go to the armory, where the soldiers get their weapons and sleep when they aren't on duty.

"I want to see the soldiers," I say to the General in front of the desk.

He snaps to attention and leads me to the mess hall. When I walk in, all the soldiers stop what they were doing and snap to attention. I motion for the General to order them in a line.

The General steps in front of me and says, "On the double, Men."

They immediately get in a line, facing away from their table. I walk down the rows, inspecting the soldiers. The General follows closely behind me.

I turn around to face the General and say, "General....."

"General Hampton, Sir," General Hampton says.

"Right. General Hampton. I need your best men forward," I say as I look around at the men again.

The soldier next to me steps forward.

I look at him and say, "And who, exactly, are you?"

"One of my best men," General Hampton answers.

He motions for me to follow him down the tables. On our way, General Hampton points at certain soldiers. These soldiers get out of line and follow us to the front, where they stop and form a line. After we have been through every table, we go back to the front. I inspect the men.

Then I say, "You men have been chosen to help me attack the village that attacked the next village. I trust you have done this before. If any of you haven't, well, there's always a chance to learn."

Then I leave with the soldiers following me in neat lines. We go into the forest. When we get near a village, I stop and set down my bag of supplies. I take out some rope and I tie it up in a tree. Then, I make a noose out of the other end. I place it in a good, hidden place on the ground.

"Sir, what are you doing?" asks one of the soldiers.

I turn towards the soldiers and say, "What you meant to say is: What are we making? and the answer is traps. Lots of traps."

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