Chapter 19 - Stay

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"I can see the town now," Red says.

I look where she is pointing. I see houses and stores. Vehicles are speeding down the street and people are walking up the street in over expensive looking clothes.

"I'm going in," Red says.

"No!" I say, "Stay."

"If I stay how are we going to get the supplies? You can't do it because you would scare everyone out of their wits," Red states.

She steps out of the bushes that we are hiding in and crosses the street.


 After I cross the street, I enter the closest store that sells food. I grab a shopping cart; and I start grabbing food that we need. I grab beans, chips, cereal, candy, fiber bars, bread, and other things. I even grab reusable water bottles to replace our flimsy plastic ones.

Once I have everything I need, I go to the check out line.

The clerk scans my items and says, "That'll be $109."

I hand him my dad's card.

"Thank you. Have a nice day," He says as he ushers me towards the door.

"Give me my card back first," I snap at the clerk.

"What card," he says as he starts to sweat.

"The card you put in your pocket after you swiped it," I answer.

People start to look at us, including the manager.

"If you don't give me my card back, I'll sue you and your company," I say.

The manager comes over and the clerk finally gives me my card back. I grab my bags and leave in a huff. I go back to the bushes where Elliott is waiting.

"What took so long?" He asks.

I drop the bags in front of him and sit down.

"The clerk tried to keep my card. I caught him though."

"Technically, it wasn't yours to begin with," Elliott states.

That statement earns him a kick in the leg.

"Ow! That was just starting to feel better. Plus, I'll need it to get back to the tree," Elliott says.

I huff. Elliott starts emptying the bags into his backpack. I stand up.

"I'll be back. Got to get the rest of the supplies," I say.

I walk back out of the bushes. I go to a electronic store to get Elliott's and my contact watches.

After I pay and put them in my bag, I walk out of the store and come face to face with a group of thugs.

Well, more like face to belly button. The thugs tower over me.

"You look like you have some goods for us. Give them over or we will hurt you," Says the thug in front of me, with a black eye and hair everywhere.

I start to back away.

"Never," I snarl.

When I turn around to run, more thugs jump out of the shadows and block my path.

"Where do you think you're going?" says the leader.

They start forming a tighter circle around me. I don't know how I'll get out of this one.

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