Matty stood and kissed the top of his head.

"You need a beer."

"No. I do not need a beer."

"I'll bright back."

Matty left.

Jarge flew down and landed near Bill's feet squawking loudly.

Bill glared at him, through half open, bloodshot eyes.

"I am in the mood for a gull barbecue, so shut up."

Jarge jumped up on the bench next to Bill and sat quietly by his side.

"Aw, isn't that cute," Matty exclaimed, as she returned to the veranda.

"Man and his loyal seagull."

She took out her cellphone and took a pic.

"Now that is a keeper."

Bill looked up at her.

"I hate you."

"I know."

Matty passed Bill a glass, filled with a red drink.

"What is this?"

"Just drink it. It will help you. Sip a little at a time."

Bill sipped the drink.

"Tastes like Clamato."

Matty nodded.

"Clamato, beer, worcestershire sauce and a touch of red pepper. It will help. And take these."

She passed Bill a couple pills.

"Its just ibuprofen. Will take the edge off."

"Thanks baby," Bill whispered.

Matty started a fire in the outdoor fireplace and then set up a chair in front of it.

"Here. Come and sit."

Bill walked slowly to the chair and eased himself down. Matty put a blanket over his legs and pulled a small table next to the chair.

"Thank you love."

Matty kissed the top of his head.

"I will make you some toast. You have to get something in your stomach. And I will bring you some water. You need to hydrate."

Bill forced a smile, as Matty put a humpty under his legs.

"You are too good to me."

"I know, but, I kinda like you.

Now you rest while I get your toast."

Matty walked back inside and headed for the kitchen.

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