
It was obvious this was from Hermione, Fred and others.

As I went to boys dorm I was walking up the stairs. Second later stairs became a slide. I fell to the bottom of the stairs (well slide now).

"Ouch."- I said as I was getting up fixing my hair.

"Even I know stairs turn into slides and I just came here."- Louis looked at me from the top
of stairs (slide).

I forgot stairs turn in slides when other gender tries coming up them.

"Just come down."

He walked down the stairs perfectly fine without sliding down it like I did 2 seconds ago.

"Do you want to go meet Ron, Hermione, Harry and others?"- I said as I fixed my hair.

"Now?"- He said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Well yea, I know the password."- I said grabbing his arm.

"Fine."- He said as I pulled him.

We were now walking on moving stairs as they started shaking and moving.

"Did you forget these stairs move too?"- Louis asked as he put his hand in front so I don't fall.

"Very funny."- I said rolling my eyes.

I saw fat Lady on wall

"Password?"- She asked.

"*****"- I said as doors opened.

"Well that's creative password."- Louis said.

As soon as we walked in we saw Hermione, Ron, Harry, Fred and George.

"Y'n!"- Harry and Ron came storming to me and hugging me.

"Harry, Ron!"- I said hugging them back.

"We missed you so much!"- Harry said as we pulled away from hug.

"And who's this?"- Ron asked looking at Louis.

"Oh that's Louis, my friend."- I said.

"Nice to meet you Louis."- Harry said shaking Louis's arm.

"Nice to meet you guys too."- Louis said shaking Harrys and Ron's arm.

"Oh and Louis this is Hermione."- I said pointing at Hermione.

"Nice to meet you."- Louis said awkwardly.

We sat down in a circle. Me and Louis sat opposite because Fred and George had to sit next to me (as always).

"How about we play seven minutes in heaven?"- Hermione asked.

"Sure."- George said.

Bottle was spinning...

"Y'n and Louis."- Hermione said looking at us two.

Fred and George smirked at each other.

Me and Louis got up and walked in a closet.

"Why is it so small."- Louis said looking around for light.

"Gryffindor closets were always small as fuck, I don't know why."- I said turning the light on.

"And how do you know that and with who were you here?"- He said raising his one eyebrow.

"With them all basically, but nothing ever happened."- I said as me and Louis were trying to sit comfortably somewhere.

We stood there uncomfortably and awkwardly.

"Okay, how about you sit and I will stand because your taller then me."- I said while
pointing to small bench.

"Your like 5'7 Y'n, you will still be uncomfortable."- He said as he refused to sit.

"Just sit down your 6'1, you can barely stand."- I said as I pushed Louis to sit down.

Louis sat down and looked at me standing.

"Oh come on."- Louis grabbed my waist as he sat me down next to him which was even more uncomfortable.

"This is even worse."- I said as he let go off me.

"At least your sitting."- He said.

3 minutes later...

I checked my watch and we opened the door.

"You two realize you were there 15 minutes right?"- Hermione said.

"What?"- I asked as I checked my watch. "My watch said 7 minutes passed only."

"Well your watch is wrong."- Hermione said as she pointed to the big watch in gryffindor common room.

Louis looked confused as hell, so we just laughed it off.

"So what happened?"- Ron asked.

"Nothing we just stood there and talked."- Louis said.

After Louis said "talked" I saw them all giving money to Hermione.

"For what is that?"- I asked

"Oh nothing."- Fred said.

We spinned the bottle and it landed on Ron and Hermione.

"Bet they will kiss."- George said.

"You all really didn't make bet with me and Louis didn't you?"- I asked.

"No...we would never."- Fred said smirking.

"You guys chill a bit Louis is just my friend, you will scare him away."- I said

"Exactly."- Louis added.

Fred and George rolled their eyes while Harry was zoned out.

Ron and Hermione came out and nothing happened so me and Louis got 5 gallones from Fred and George.

We had to leave because it was midnight. I said bye to them all as we left to Slytherin common room.

"Well that was...weird."- Louis said as we walked down the stairs.

"You will get used to them."

"They didn't really bet on us didn't they?"- Louis asked while we walked in common room.

"Trust me they did."- I said as we separated in our dorms.

Please tell me your opinions on this book :).

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