Palm spits at my feet. "Or else?" I send 80% of electricity to every spot I touched, she screams out in agony as her body jolts. I then stop after 2 minutes. But send jolts through the knife, starting at 5% ensuring every minute it goes up 5%. I stand up and and slam my chair into her face and toss it to Gon, which he catches. "I will give you a fate worse than death." I can feel the dark Aurora surrounding me. By now the jolts in the knife are making her shake violently.

Get me an apple and two more daggers, and keep an extra two or three on you.

Kurapika obliges and passes me the three items, Gon then stands directly behind me, I can sense the intense Aurora coming from him as well. I can tell the others are intrigued what I plan to do with the apple and daggers. I stop the jolts in her legs, she breathes out but then smirks. "I knew you had no guts." I didn't answer and simply started skinning the apple. I purposely cut myself.

"Ah crap, it seems I am bleeding and this dagger is now contaminated. I slam it hard into her other leg, making it reach the bottom of the chair on the first try. I then turn my face to lick my thumb, only to have Gon place his mouth over it, our faces mere inches apart as he sucks my thumb, I smirk. Gon and I don't break eye contact "Kurapika be a dear and pass me a new dagger." Pika smirks, he tosses the dagger, Gon catches it with one hand, maintaing eye contact.  "Ah crap!" He suddenly yells as he 'accidentally' stabs it into her breast. She screams out in agony. Gon and I both sigh in fake frustration, Kurapika stifles a laugh as he chucks two more daggers, Gon and I catch them.

I then stab it into her other breast, Gon takes his and stabs her shoulder blade. He takes the other dagger off my lap as I take the other one. "Hey Snow?" I hum in response as we both stare at the frightened Palm. "Ever play darts with a dagger and a huge target?" I smirk.

"Why I don't think I have Charming."  We both back away from her as we determine in between her eyes is bulls eye. We both raise our hands readying to strike. "WAIT!" Palm screams out, I smirk in satisfaction. But I am not satisfied so I send 95% jolts to all the daggers in her, She screams out as she shakes. I stop it. "What was that Palm?"

She breathes intensely.."I-I...te--" she is struggling to talk I see. "-tell you e-everything. But I know not much, and I swear I joined them out of fear, Prince Killua you know me."

I nod. "Yes I do, which is why I know you can work on your own accord, so why not just deny my parents."

She looks down. "Because they said if I didn't prove my loyalty they would turn me into those things." She then meets my eyes. "You know I would never betray the crown, and since your father still wears it and now controls that talisman, I- this is the only way for me and my family to survive. I am sorry Prince Killua, you were always my favourite mischief, I enjoyed teaching you some spy moves when you were a little one, but it was me and my family or you, I made a judgment call." I nod in understanding, Palm's mother is very ill and her daughter has the same illness, this job as a spy is what keeps them afloat.

I pull all the knives out and Kurapika heals her. "What happens within the castle walls?" Asks Pika.

Palm shrugs. "Nothing really, your parents do talk to nothing though." She scrunched her face in confusion as she looks at me.

"What's that mean?" Asks Gon.

"I have no idea but they talk aloud and say Pitou! Retz! And I am utterly confused because there's no one aroun-" All the witches in the room gasped. Retz and Pitou huh.

"I should've known it was those two." Comments Bisky.

"What two?" Asks Leorio.

All four of us respond. "The fallen sisters."

Bisky clenches her fists and her eyes shut. "To be precise, my fallen sisters. They weren't born evil, but they allowed their demons to get killed for power."

"So its them two huh? This makes sense, they have always wanted to be in the good books of The Queen of Darkness right?" Comments Chrollo. Bisky nods in response.

If those two are behind this, this will be a hard fight, they have been determined to be recognized by Morgana since they turned evil. I have heard the stories from both Kurapika and Bisky. They will go through great lengths to achieve their goal.

"Palm, if you go back now, would my parents murder you?" She simply nods.

"I fear my family were killed the moment I failed." She was now standing with us all, as I gave her a smile.

"Its okay we will Avenge them. Just remember you betray me, I won't hesitate to seal your fate." She nods.

She then gives me a smirk. "You have certainly grown little one, and you have both bark and bite, I am proud."

"Guys I think we should start a patrol system." Comments Kurapika, which we all quickly agree to.

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