Chapter 17

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Aja's POV
*one year later* (sorry for the time skip)
I took a deep breath, and began to walk down the isle. Everyone stood up, when I walked past. Everything was perfect. I looked at my future husband in the eyes, and smiled. Tears of joy started to fill my eyes. Today is the big day.

"Friends and family. We have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of these two young souls. Live at first sight, as they would like to call it. Inseparable. If anyone has any protest against the marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." He paused for a moment.


"Anyways, they both wrote their own vows. Ladies first."

"Dear future husband,
I know what love feels like, and I know what it feels like to be heartbroken. I know what it feels like to be loved, and I know what it feels like to be deserted. You gave me everything I've ever wanted, and more. You are perfect in my eyes. Everything about you makes me fall in love harder everyday. And that makes me crazy about you." By the time I finished, tears were running down my face

I looked around the room, my dads eyes were filled with tears, just like half of the people in the room. Sammy had hurt in his eyes. He looked at me with sorrow, almost like he was saying 'Don't do it.' I shook it off and listened to the rest of Jack's vow.

"I love you harder each and everyday. You have your own sparkle that I love about you. You manage to make every situation good. You're perfect."

Everyone started clapping. My smile faded when I saw Sammy. He looked down at the ground, and sighed.

"Jack Gilinsky, you may kiss the bride."

"Wait!" I yelled

"I'm sorry. I can't do this. I-I just can't." I ran out the door, leaving everyone flustered

I sat down on the bank of the pond, and starred off into the distance.

"What was that?" Sammy asked

"I just couldn't. I don't know." I said

"This was all Gilinsky has been talking about. You can't just leave. You'll crush him." He sat down next to me

"Why, Aja? Why did you do that?"

"I-I saw you. And how hurt you were. I regret everything because I saw how demolished you looked. I miss that. Gilinsky never made me feel as special as I did with you." I said while tears fell down my cheeks

"Then why did you say yes to marry him?" Sammy questioned

"Because I thought it was the right thing to do." I huffed

"Aja, there's no right or wrong thing to do. I regret putting Logan up to that scam to make you jealous. It was my fault. I never knew it would go this far."

"I'm gonna go take a walk."

I got up, and walked down to path, my dress getting dirty. My make up was smeared all over my face, and I probably looked like shit.

"Where are you?!~ Adyson"

"Does it matter?~ Aja"

"Yeah, it kinda does. You got a wedding to finish gurl!! :) ~ Adyson"

"Call it off. I changed my mind~ Aja"

"Sammy?~ Adyson"

"Yup~ Aja"

"I understand~ Adyson"

A wave of relief rushed over my body. I sighed and looked off into the setting sun. Did I make the right decision?
A/N (no this isn't the end of the chapter)
Sorry for like the really big time skip. I'll go back in time next chapter or something. I just needed to make a really big plot twist because I just thought of this. Btw, this chapter is gonna have a lot of time skipping, and I mean A LOT!
*end of A/N*
Adyson's POV
*4 months before*
Hayes sped to the hospital, as the contractions continued. It was about 2:30 am, and I was ready to deliver the twins.

"It's an emergency. My girlfriend has gone into labour." Hayes said to the front desk lady

"Put her into a wheel chair and follow me." She commanded

I slowly sat in the wheelchair, and he pushed me to and empty room just down the hall.

The nurse laid me on the bed, and hooked me up to the IV's and a bunch of different things. She also made me put on an ugly gown. Hello! These hospitals could use some more fashion sense!

"The doctor will be here soon. Call me if you need anything." She said as she ran back to the office

I smiled at Hayes.

"You ready?" She smiled, squeezing my hand

"I just want to get over these cravings." I laughed

"You'll make a great mother."

"And you'll make a great father."

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but the doctor isn't here." The lady said

"What do you mean 'he isn't here'? He knew the due date was today." I stated

"He got caught in traffic." She said quickly

"Lady. It's 2:30 in the morning, there is no traffic." Hayes joined in

"He's not here, and I can't change that." She slammed the door on her way out

"Hayes. The baby is coming. Like. Now." I said

"Okay. Umm...." His voice trailed off

"Do something now!" I yelled

"Here. I can deliver the babies." He walked around to my 'area' and propped my legs up

"You know how to deliver?" I crooked an eyebrow

"No, but it can't be that difficult."

"Get a nurse." I said

Hayes pressed the nurse button beside the door, and a few seconds later, a lady walked in.

"My girlfriend is about to deliver twins." He pointed to me, and I gave a weak smile

"Umm... About that, I can't deliver." She said

"What are the odds." I huffed

"It can't be that hard." Hayes said

"The child is coming."

Me breath became heavier, as I started to push. A few minuets later, my baby boy was born. One down, one more to go.

The nurse took my first born, and cleaned him off. Hayes carried the baby girl to her, as the nurse cleaned her.

"Let me see my children!" I exclaimed

She handed me the boy, then the girl. Hayes stood over my shoulder.

"She's got your nose." He claimed

"And he's got your ears." I laughed, a few tears escaping my eyes

"Names?" He asked

"The girl, Janee, and you name the boy." I smiled

"Drew." He smiled down at him

Jenee and Drew. Our two children.


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