Chapter 6

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Spencer's POV

It was around 8:00 when I got a call from Aja.

"Hello?" I answered

"Spencer, do you want to got a quadruple date with Me and Sammy, Adyson and Hayes, you and Cameron, and Julia and Shawn this Friday?" She asked

"Sure, do you know what time?"

"I think at 8:00 or 8:30. The guys are all planning it, so it will be a surprise."

"Okay, that'd be great. Talk to you later!"

"Bye!" Aja said as she hung up.

I decided to text everyone in the group.

"Skip school and mall day tomorrow?~ S"

"Yaaaaaassss gurl~ Aja"

"Hi I'm Paul~ J"

I laughed at Julia's comment. (Inside joke btw)

"I don't know. What if our parents find out and we get in trouble??~ Adyson"

"Adyson, relax. Nobody will find out. We'll be fine.~ J"

"Okay. Fine, I'll go.~ Adyson"

"Meet at my house around 7:30~ S"

"Should we ask the guys if they want to go too?~ Aja"

"Sure. I'll call.~ J"

I walked up the stairs to my room, put on some PJ's and climbed into my fluffy bed. After a little while, I drifted off to sleep.
Julia's POV

I stayed up for most of the talking to Shawn. He somehow manages to make me fall in love harder everyday.

Me, on the other hand, I'm just here. I'm not so sure Shawn feels the same way about me. But if I wasn't a good girlfriend he would tell me, right?
Adyson's POV

I'm not so sure about the whole "ditching" concept. What if our parents find out? Whatever. I'll just go with the flow.

"Goodnight baby😘" I read a text from Hayes

"I love you 😘❤️" I replied

I shut off my phone and drifted off to sleep.


Aja's POV

I woke up at around 6:45 to go to the mall

"The guys are all coming~ S"

"Go team.~ Adyson"

I picked out a white tank top with a grey cardigan, black jeans, and black combat boots. For my hair, I fishtail braided it into a side braid. Make up wise, I used my Naked 2 palette to create a natural look.

By the time I was finished, it was about 7:15. I walked down the stairs, grabbed my wallet and went the back way. Surprisingly, my dad was up and training a new filly.

"When did you get her?" I asked as I walked to him

"Last night. I'm going to sell her after she's trained." He said

"I'm going to school early today. Bye, I love you!" I called to him as I walked around to the front.

I entered Spencer's address into my GPS, and pulled out of my drive way. The sun was just starting to rise, making the sky a pinkish orange color.

Julia's POV

When I got to Spencer's house, her dog, Patch growled at me.

"Be quiet nigga."

He growled louder.

"Nigga please shut up." I yelled as I walked into her house.

Shawn, Sammy, and Adyson were already there. They were all sitting on the couch talking.

"Where's Spencer?" I asked

"Upstairs. She's still getting ready." Shawn replied

I walked over to Shawn and sat on his lap.

"Be careful when you sit on Shawn's lap. His friend may come and visit, if you know what I mean." Said sammy, causing us all to laugh

Shawn picked up a pillow and threw it at Sammy's face.

"Knock knock." Cameron yelled as he busted into the house.

"Your love mate is upstairs." Adyson said, looking down at her phone

Hayes and Aja came roughly at the same time.

"Let's go!" I yelled after Spencer came down

All of the couples each took a car. I'm really exited for this mall day.

Aja's POV

While Sammy was in the middle of driving, he placed his hand on my thigh. I bit my lip and looked down at his hands. What happened to being just friends?! My mind overcame my thoughts, and I took his hand into mine. What was I doing?

It took about 15 minutes to get to the mall, and Sammy and I never said a word to each other. Was this normal?

We walked out of the car, our hands still interlocked.

"I sense a couple thing going on here!" Julia exclaimed, referring to Sammy and I

"Total ship!" Cameron said in a girly voice

"Ammy!" Shouted Adyson, as we walked into the main entrance.

I looked over to Sammy, he blushed. I never realized how adorable he was, until now. Something overcame my body, and I did something I never thought of doing before.

I was busy talking to Hayes, when Julia pointed over to Sammy and Aja.

"Why are they doing rated R stuff?" I whispered to Hayes

"If you think that's bad, you should see what I'd do to you." He winked

"Hayes!" I shouted and hit his arm

Sammy's POV




Everyone was having their own conversations, and she just kissed me. I'm not complaining, it was just out of the blue. But it wasn't just a kiss, it was much more.

This kiss felt like the Fourth of July fireworks. It was magical.

The rest of the day was spent shopping, and my arm around Aja.

Was this meant to be?
:) <3

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