Chapter 4

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Aja's POV

I pulled away from Sammy.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled

"Aja, I think I have feelings for you." Sammy said

"We've known each other for less than 24 hours. You do not have feelings for me." I pushed him away.

"You don't understand I-"

"Get away from me. You're just a player wanting me to sleep with you."

"No. That's not it I-"

"Bye Sammy."

He walked away with his head hung low.

"I did the right thing, right boy?" I talked to the gelding.

After I was done with the barn duty, I started on homework. It was already 6:30 and I still need to go to the store to get food. First math, then history.

The scene of Sammy and I kept replaying in my head. I did the right thing. He'll get over me sooner or later.

I got into my car and went to the nearest store. We hardly have any food, because my dad's been working on the house.

Sammy called again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Every time I declined it. I can't handle relationships at the moments. Especially with him.

"Please answer.~Sammy"

"Please~ Sammy"

"I need to talk to you~ Sammy"

"Sammy. I'm not interested stop calling and texting me or I'll block your number.~ Aja"

He read the message but didn't reply. Oh well.

When I got home, I took a shower. After, I changed into black nike pros, and a matching sports bra. I climbed into my soft bed, and drifted off to sleep.

*next day*

Shawn's POV

Tonight, I'm going to surprise Julia. I haven't thought of a plan, but I know it will be amazing.

"Hey Julia." I said as a hugged her from behind.

"Hey babe."

"Listen, I really need to tell you something tonight. Be at my house at around 7:30." I said with slight sorrow

"Is it something bad? Are you breaking up with me?!"

"No. You'll find out tonight." I walked over to my locker, then I saw Sammy hitting on the school slut, Madison Beer.

She's always tried to get with all of the guys, including me. Luckily, Julia wasn't afraid to say what's on her mind, and that's why she never comes near me. Sammy walked away with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Why so happy?" I asked him as we walked to first period

"Madison is coming over tomorrow. She's so fucking hot." said Sammy

"Dude, she's a slut. She's hit on every guy, she's fake, and she's obsessed with boob jobs and lip injections."

"No. She's beautiful. You're just jealous because you don't have a girl as great as her."

"Sammy, Julia is perfect the way she is. She doesn't need to make her boobs look bigger, or her lips. She's perfect just the way I like her." I snapped

"Whatever. I heard that Julia was hitting on the other guys. Like Nash and Gilinsky."

"Nash is dating Bridgette and Julia would never do that to me. She loves me."

"That's what you think Mendes." He smirked

"Sammy be quiet! You're such a-" I was cut off by the bell, signaling class has started.

I'll get back at this dick. He will pay.


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