Chapter 7

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Aja's POV

Friday finally rolled around, and I was really exited for tonight. But I have to go to school.
I picked out a grey PINK sweatshirt, black nike sports bra underneath (since I didn't plan on taking off my sweatshirt), jeans, and my grey vans. I pulled my hair into a messy bun, and natural eye shadow.

I sighed. I just want tonight to hurry up and come. The guys are supposed to be the best at planning things, which I heard from Spencer.

I pulled into the school parking lot, so see a bunch of people crowding around something. Being the rebellious child I am, I walked over and saw a fight. Madison Beer and some girl that I think is in my biology class.

"Get away from me you whore!" Madison yelled

"At least I don't hit on every guy in the school and give blowjobs to the whole football team!" The other girl yelled

"Logan!" Taylor yelled

"Hold on babe, I'm just beating up this whore." She said as she kicked Madison's knee

Taylor broke up the fight by grabbing Logan and pulling her off Madison. Madison deserved it.

I walked into first period, taking my normal seat next to Shawn.

"What are you and the guys planning for the girls tonight?" I asked, trying to get a hint of the date

"Hmmmm...... That's for me to know and for you to find out." He laughed

"Class, your projects are due Tuesday. I hope you've been working on them."

*next class period*

I sat in biology when that girl, Logan walked in. She had brown hair, and ocean blue eyes. She was wearing a dark grey sweater, black leggings, and combat boots. Her makeup consisted of a dark natural eyeshadow, and a light pink blush. Her body was also very fit. No wonder her and Taylor are together. They're perfect.

"What do you what?" She said

"I was just looking." I replied

"Whatever." She said, taking her seat

"Alright class. Pop quiz!" The teacher said while handing out papers

"You know what?! Fuck this shit. This class is a waste of time! I'm out. Peace my niggas!" Logan said as she walked out of the room

The whole class burst out in laughter.

"And that is an example of what not to do before a pop quiz." My teacher mumbled

"Hey babe." Sammy said as he slid in the seat next to me

"What's up?" I said

"Exited for tonight. You would have never guessed this." He said

"Yo. Can I sit here?" Logan said, pulling up a seat

"Sure, I guess." I replied

Adyson, Hayes, Julia, Shawn, Spencer and Cameron came about five minutes after, and Logan left.

"You guys are gonna have an amazing time tonight." Hayes said

"I hope. I've been thinking about it all week!" I exclaimed

"Haven't we all!" Adyson said

"This is gonna be great." Cameron said

We made small talk for a little while, before it was time to go to our next class.
*skip to the end of the day*
5:00 finally rolled around, and I decided to get ready. Sammy said to dress casual/nice. I decided to wear a grey sweater, black leggings and tall brown boots. Then, I straightened my hair. After, I decided to do a grey smoke eye look with soft pink lips. By the time I was finished, I heard Sammy outside.

"Wow. You look stunning." Sammy said, admiring me

"And you look handsome yourself." He was wearing a white button up shirt with a grey bow tie.

"So grey is our color?" He asked

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"You're wearing a grey sweater and I have a grey bow tie."

"Oh." I laughed

"Here, put this on." He handed me a blind fold

I smiled as he tied the back of the blind fold. He pulled out of my driveway, I think. Sammy turned on some rap music, my favorite.

"We're here." He said as he helped me out of the car.

He untied my blind fold, and I got a view of the sun setting, by the river.

"Everyone else is coming soon. I set everything up on the dock." He said

"Sammy this is amazing." I said as I followed him over to the dock.

The others arrived roughly five minutes later, each of the girls having about the same reaction. All of the food that the guys brought was home cooked, and it was amazing. I can't believe they planned this.

"Picture time!" Spencer shouted

Sammy and I got one first. The first one was us smiling, and the second of us kissing, with the sunset behind us.

"Guys, thank you so much. This was amazing." I said

Everyone was silent. Did I say one thing wrong? Music suddenly started playing.

"Aja, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. I know I was a total douche when I first met you in math, because I didn't understand why I was so mean to you, but now I do. I was mean to you because I was jealous that I could never get a girl like you to be my girlfriend. Right now, I'm hoping you could change that. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

My eyes started tearing up.

"Yes Samuel Wilkinson, I will be your girlfriend."

"Get some Sam!" Hayes yelled, causing Adyson to hit his arm

After we finished talking, we decided to go home. Sammy dropped me off at my house, and escorted me to my front porch.

"Goodnight babe." He said


I ran up to my room, changed into PJ's and plopped into my bed. I smiled at the picture of us kissing.

"Official with this babe @sammywilk" I posted the picture on Instagram.

My eyes started to feel heavy, and I slowly drifted off to sleep

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:) <3

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