Chapter 22

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A lot of things rushed through my mind right now. Shawn texted me saying that he got discovered by a record label, and they wanted him to move all the way out to California. I want him to live his dream of being a musician, but I don't want him to leave me.

Do you want to live this dream with me?

What do you mean?

Do you want to move to Cali, and live with me?

What?! I would love to!!! My parents probably would though...

We'll discuss this later, Love you babe!

Love you!!

I thought about leaving everyone. I couldn't bear to leave the squad.

Can everyone else come too?

If they can find their share at the house. (Paying for it)

I'll ask the squad

I texted all of them; Cam and Spencer can go, since they were both living on their own, but nobody else replied.

Sammy and I broke up.


I was so happy to move to Cali with Cam in a few months. Our relationship is going perfectly.

I was interrupted in my thoughts by Cam calling my name.

"What is it?" I asked

"Come here." He said

"I have something for you." He whispered

He got down on one knee and opened a small jewelry box. My hands covered my mouth in shock, and tears on joy filled my eyes.

"Spencer, you are the most amazing girlfriend ever. Words can't describe how amazing you are. I enjoy every second I spend with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life in your presence. Spencer, will you do me the honor and be my lovely wife?" He asked
"Oh my god. I can't believe this is happening. Yes, Cameron, I will be your wife."

We pulled each other into a kiss, until I heard footsteps.

"We got the whole thing on video, and a photographer." Cams mom said

"Oh my god! I have to see the pictures!" I squealed

We looked through all of the pictures the photographer took, but two were particularly my favorite; the one where I stood there with my hands over my mouth and Cam on one knee, and our kiss. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Cameron Dallas.


I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself. I just blew my last chance with Aja. Now she'll forever hate me. I knew this was a big mistake. I knew I shouldn't have smoked and drank. I hate myself.

I tried everything to reach Aja. She hates me. I would hate me too.

I could remember the hurt in her eyes, and the disgusted look she gave me. She hates me. If only she would let me explain, but my words have no affect on her.


I love him. I just can't show it. He's a suck up dick, but I love him. All of the stuff that happened at his house was behind me.

I want Sammy to father my children.

I forgot what we were fighting about at his house. Oh well, it didn't matter. I still love him.

I love Sammy.

I texted in the group. Everyone needs to know.

Sammy is perfect in any, and all ways.

And this is why I love being drunk.

For some reason I like this chapter. Idk why.



Diverse (Sammy Wilk, Hayes Grier, Shawn Mendes, and Cameron Dallas Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora