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Albert POV..

"momma!.. You're home! Yeah, thought you said you would stay back today with aunty Flora.. to finalize the business"

I said breathing in between my words..

"Son.. You're still holding on to the door"

"oh yeah.. Hmm sorry come in.. That's wrong of me.. Have missed you already" I gave her a tight hug almost lifting her above the groud..

"hey.. Stop son" she pull out and watch me suspiciously..

"Albert are you OK!" she ask skeptically..

"yes!.. Yh, am just happy to see you.. It's been two days we've last seen. Momma"

Damn! This a big mistake.. I should have let her know about mine before now.. How will I come in about this..

"OH! my son, I miss you so much.." she smile pulling my cheeks. I gave a tooth smile..

"so.. How was it?" I asked to buy her time.

"everything went as planned, the goods will be ready in a week time.. Flora will set up the meeting with the marketers.. And the promo will be held while the fieldsale will take the goods.. Blablabla..
Son. Am exhausted right now, we'll talk about it later.. I need to freshing up!"

she peeked me on my forehead, before picking up her bag and moving to the staircase.. I need to distract her.. I don't know if mine is done dressing up.

" oh my chest!" I coughed.. Tapping my chest and breathing hard.

She rushed back to me." Son, are you OK! Just breath.. Lemme get you some water"

She dashed to the kitchen..

I set up to check on mine, only to find her peeping behind the wall upstairs..

I signal her to hurry downstairs.. She tiptoe as fast as she could..

My mum appears with a cup of water, immediately she got downstairs..

She barely noticed her "take Son, drink up.. Am sure is heartburn, what did you have for breakfast? Have you fix your lunch... OH!"

She paused, when she realized the someone with me .. She look skeptically "who are.."

"Good afternoon ma.. Am Nene by name. I'm Albert's friend..."

"girlfriend.." I cut her short.. Why on earth will she say that.. She have no reason of so ever to hide our state of relationship.. I look at her blankly.

"yh! Girlfriend" she said smiling awkwardly..

"mmmm! I see" my mom said looking shocked..

"and you've been upstairs rii?"


"NO! She just came in now.. Mom meet Nene.. My girlfriend .. Nene meet my mom, my wife, my everything!" momma smile sheepishly then she narrowed her brows..

"nice to meet you girlfriend.."
She glazed at her from head to toes.. While mine' stood nervously..

"Son let's talk in private" she swing her bag and wake away.

Mine pulled me back quietly

"Alby.. This won't go well.. I don't think she likes me"

"calm down mine! This not her, I would talk to her.. Just have your seat and wait for me" I peeked her on her cheek and head to momma's room..


"come in" she said immediately I knocked at her door.

"mom.. Why! What was that?"

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