Love & Charm

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Once you're with the right person.. your life becomes colorful......

Nene's POV

I dialed Albert number

On call

"alby ❤️❤️"

"mine, ain't you at work.. or are phones allowed" he asked curiously

"are you home? " i tried asking calmly, ignoring his question.

"yeah.. Sure"

"ok, am on my way" i said and hang up

I don't just know why some people will hate you for no reason or maybe the reason is because they hate you...
I tried picking out point in all what she said.. But I can't lay my hand on one.

I knew this will happen but i never see it so soon like this.

Am not prepared to start searching for another job. How will my parents feel if i told them am FIRED!

It's a relief not to work there anymore, you find peace, time and be stress free, not when i haven't secure another job. The difficulty behind getting a job is a story to write about.

I took a deep breath, before knocking on the door.. I knocked again.. i heard him unlock the door.

"mine, what happened? Are you ok?" he asked rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks..

I slightly brushed him in, while he followed me quietly, worried and concerned..

I went to the fridge to grab a chilled water, i jiggled some in my mouth while i swallowed it sharply.

"talk to me. Mine" he requested timidly

"am fired"

He signed out in relief, holding his hand to his chest, leaning on the sofa.

"and what's the meaning of that!... I don't have any other job elsewhere.. Where should i start from.. I mean, I'm not even prepared to start searching..."

"calm down mine.. You overthink too much and it stress the brain dear"

I tried chilling "I saw it coming anyways.. Amaka will always find her way but this time.. She's way worst"

"who's Amaka?" he narrowed his brows.

"the heartles...evi.. Co worker i once told you about" i tried controlling my words.. But that what she is, heartless and evil.

"what did she do to you? Tell me! Did she fight with you? Did she hurt you?" he eagerly spin me around.. Inspecting my body.

"Alby! Calm down.. Am fine.. She just don't like me.. She's the devil behind all these.
All my life, have always try to do things rightly, try not to offend anyone, not to.. not to have problems with anyone.. Have always learned to mind my business but still is like people will always get to you if you don't get to them..
Always want you to speak when you're quiet, want you to cry when you're happy, make you feel weak when you need to be strong... Like.. "

"Pls! mine stop!"
I glaze back at him as he pull my face closer. I struggled with the tears blurring in my eyes not to drop..

I sniffed then continued "am not saying all these because I lost the job but am saying this because am not just lucky with people, work,... Even life...."

"Pls stop! Don't say that, those people you think you're not lucky with, are the wrong people for you.. They are there to create problems, depression, sadness, unworthiness and hatred for you.. You can't please everyone.. They will always make you feel like you ain't good enough..
All you have to do is to proof them wrong, keep believing in yourself.. Focus on those who makes you happy,..
bad energy will always zoom in mine,.. Is left with you to stay far way..
Pls mine" he rub my tears away with his thumb

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