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Present days

Nene's POV

It is easy to fall in love, if only the challenges in it is much easier.

Waking up every morning with the thought of one special person and going to sleep with the image of the same person.
Thinking of what the future will become of you and your beloved.

Fear, is the only thing that can tear you apart. Fear of losing your love, fear of the future , fear of if he won't stop loving you..

That moment you can't stop creating reasons for your breakdown.

Your mind starts to play games with your head, and that's when insecurity comes in..

That's exactly how I feel right now...

"If your bf's mom don't like you, what will you do?"
I arranged the dishes on the dish rank carefully while I waited for response from Grace..

She stir the stew she's preparing, grimacing and grinning sheepishly..
She's so lost in thought that she didn't hear a word I said.

"GRACE" I called tapping her shoulder.

"yes" She fickled out.. Gasping. "you scare the hell out of me"

"you're obviously out of your mind. Tell me, what are you thinking"

It's so unusual for her to be so lost.. Grace is one of those that believes in it is what it is'
But the Grace have been seeing of late, says the opposite.

"Nothing" she said quickly..

"mmm.. I know there's something and-"

"I heard all you said earlier. you said, if your bf..." she gestured her hand for me to complete the sentence.

"Really, Grace, am the least you can deceive in this house, in fact in the world"

She rolled her eyes and shrugged.

The aroma of the stew started changing as it begins to burn.

"your stew" I said getting a hand towel to drop the pot on the fire while Grace eagerly turned off the gas.


We took a long breath... Staring at nothingness.

"Now that we've successfully prevent the house from burning down.. Will you tell me what's on your mind sis"

She smiled sadly

"OK fine... I.. I have been seeing someone" she said blushing..

"Seriously, wow! You're in a relationship!" this cost for celebration, like finally Grace of all people is in a relationship.

"No don't put it that way.. I won't say am in a relationship but I'm m hanging out with someone "

"funny, you're not just hanging out with someone, am fully aware of how often you hangout with guys, no offense but -"

"this is different" she interrupted

"oh! I know right, it's written all over your face.. Who's this lucky guy" I asked curiously.

"trust me he's a cool guy and am not just sexually into him.. He makes me feel moment I'm afraid to loose- like moments I'd like to keep as memories.. He's ready to hear me out..
He sees me differently, make me feel like a woman.
I know there's something about him"

She said with her eyes focused on the cabinet, her face grows in pleasant joy and love..
Seizing the air like am not there...

"Sis.. You're in love" I said as I enjoyed the sweet moment with her.

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