Movie Night

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I walked in despair as Barry and Iris led me to Barry's apartment. I knew what they were going to make me watch with them.

I sat on the couch as I watched Barry and Iris huddle by a cabinet filled with films. They were whispering about something and I could see Iris cover her mouth as she tried not to laugh about something.

An idea popped in my head. Maybe I would be able to reach the door and leave before they could catch me. After all, their backs were facing me and they seemed busy trying to decide on a movie. I swear I just heard Iris suggest Paranormal Activity 3. Why?! Why must I go through this?!

I leaped off the couch and tip toed to the door as quiet as a mouse. I was a foot away from the doorknob when Iris shouted.

"Got one! Hey, you trying to run away, Megan?" I sigh and mentally scolded myself. I should've ran for the door. Iris grabbed my hand and dragged me to the couch.

She sat to my left, to make sure I wouldn't sprint for the door. Barry sat on my right. "Alright, guys. Please don't make me watch this!" I look at the two of them. "I just got kidnapped and you want me to watch a ghost movie? It's like asking me to have a panic attack!"

The movie started. I sigh with annoyance and grab a pillow. "If I have a panic attack, I'm going to beat you two up with this pillow." Iris failed to hold back laughter.

Barry's shoulders shook as he laughed harder than Iris. "Yeah, good luck with that."

I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on something other than the movie.

Unfortunately, I couldn't. I jumped at every little sound effect in the movie. I glanced up at the screen only to see a ghost attack one of the characters. I yelped, probably jumped a few inches in the air in the process and covered my face with the pillow. I could hear Iris and Barry laugh uncontrollably on both sides of me. My cheeks burned red from embarrassment. I checked the time to distract myself. It was nine o'clock. No wander it was so dark outside.

The movie ended awhile later and Iris called Eddie to pick her up. "Are you sure you don't need a ride? I thought you said you didn't like to walk home in the dark."

"It's okay, I'll just call a taxi or something. I just need to talk to Barry for something."

Iris wiggled her eyebrows and gave me a smirk. "Ooooh! Get some, Megan!"

My eyes widened in shock. "It's work related, Iris!" I lied. She just laughed and then left after saying goodbye to Barry. Geez, can you believe her? I can't believe she said that.

An awkward silence filled the apartment. I slowly turned around to face Barry and put my hands in my sweatshirt pockets. Barry was sitting on the couch and patted the seat next to him. I couldn't make eye contact with him and just sat down. I could feel his eyes on me. It was a few minutes before either of us spoke.

I wanted to tell him everything. How I felt, my ability, the dead man that floated in the water. I decided to tell him what happened in the warehouse. I looked up to speak, but the words refused to come out. I didn't know where to start; how to tell him anything. "Barry...?"

Barry saw my tear-filled eyes. "What is it?" He turned his body so he was facing me more.

I didn't know how to tell him I was responsible for someone's death without even laying a finger on that person. I just looked into Barry's eyes and wished I could tell him what my mouth didn't say. He seemed to be able to tell that I was having trouble trying to tell him something, so he scooted closer to me and wrapped me in his arms.

All of the guilt and fear that it had from the warehouse flooded back into me again. I quietly sobbed into Barry's shirt. "I killed someone, Barry." The more I thought it, the more real it felt. Barry's arms squeezed me tighter.

"You mean the man who was found drowned? You didn't kill him, Megan. No matter what you think, you didn't kill him." He gently stroked my hair. I sniffled in response. I can't believe I'm having a melt down in front of him. I must look pathetic.

I pull away from Barry as I look deep into his eyes, trying to decide if I should tell him my secret. In the end, I decided to wait on telling him my feelings and to tell him about my ability now. I inhaled deep before I spoke. "I caused the flood in the warehouse."

Barry's reaction to that statement wasn't at all what I expected. I thought he was going to laugh and explain that the pipes were old enough to bust on their own. Instead, his thoughts were hard to read. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. His face revealed a mixture of shock and disbelief.

I looked down at my hands. He probably think I'm lying to him; doesn't believe a word I'm saying. I finally understood what Iris felt like when no one believed her about The Flash existing. I scratch the tip of my nose and couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. "I think I should get going." I abruptly stood up and started for the door.

Right as I twisted the knob and pulled, a hand stopped the door from opening. I spin around to see Barry inches away from me. "Wait. I just-" he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. His eyes scanned the room as he struggled to decide what to do. There was an awkward silence and then he looked at me. "I have po-"

A phone rang and interrupted Barry. He sighed again.

"I think that's your phone." My mind was overwhelmed with questions. What was he going to say? Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?

"Yeah." Barry reluctantly backed up and answered his phone. "Hey Cisco." He held up a finger and mouthed "one second." Then he proceeded to walk into his bedroom.

Where have I heard that name before? Wait, wasn't that the name of one of the people from Star Labs? The guy with long hair? Why would Barry be talking to someone from Star Labs? He didn't know them, did he? Questions continued to roam inside my head.

I heard a, "what?" then a, "I'll be there," on the other side of Barry's bedroom door. A few seconds later he opened the door. I was still standing in the same spot by the door.

"I need to go. friend needs help with something. I'll walk you home." He was totally hiding something from me. Why, you ask? I don't know! Ask Barry yourself!

"Okay." I didn't ask what was going on; sometimes I come off as rude and nosy when I do that. But then again, it's also the reason why I get hurt a lot.
My house was only a five minute walk from Barry's apartment. We made small talk, but nothing serious. The call that Barry received earlier interrupted out conversation, and we didn't bring it back up. It seemed like Barry changed his mind about telling me whatever he was going to say.

We reached my door and turned to face each other. "Thanks for walking me home."

Barry looked down for a split second and when he looked up, he had a glint in his eyes that I've never seen before and wore a bright grin that could brighten even the darkest of days. "No prob. Thanks for not beating me up with a pillow." He joked about my empty threat I said earlier. I blushed a deep red in response. "I really need to go. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah...See you tomorrow." We said our goodbyes. I entered my house and locked the door. I peeked out of the window and watched as he walked off. Yeah just call me a stalker already. I've heard it all before.

Barry was almost out of sight, but right as I was about to look away, something stopped me from moving. Stopped me from breathing.

Something sparked off of Barry. It looked like...lightning? The kind that comes off of The Flash when he runs. The other thing that caught my eye was Barry was nowhere to be seen.

What just happened?!

I don't know how I feel about this chapter. It feels...I don't know. It feels a little rushed. I don't think I wrote the last couple paragraphs very good...
Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes, and if this chapter sucks Xp

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