Jack and Jaycee: The Despicable Father & Daughter

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~The next day(Tuesday)~

I watch out my living room window as police officers patrol the area. After taking Barry's advice, police officers have been watching me constantly. Every hour they check my house. And by checking my house, I mean they search the basement, closets, vents, etc. Basically everywhere someone as small as me can fit.

I can't even be left alone when I want to be. Anyone who visits me has to check with the police first. It's extremely annoying, but I guess it's necessary. Except for the food part. They literally have to test my food for poison or any foreign substances before I eat it. Talk about insane. If anything, Jaycee wouldn't poison me. She's way crueler than that. On a scale from one to ten for Jaycee's cruelness, ten being the worst, poison would be considered a zero to her. 'Child's play' is what she'd call it.

Barry enters the front door and snaps me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?" He looks me over with a worried expression. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that Barry's worry for me escalated a million times. He texts/calls and/or visits me every five minutes. I appreciate that he cares for me, but isn't he getting in trouble for work?

Speaking of which, why am I not at work? "Like I've said a hundred times in the past hour, I'm fine. Just relax, Barry."

"Hey, you never know if they missed something and you're in danger." I shrug my shoulders. He has a point.

"Wait, but why aren't I at work with you? It would be surrounded with police; there's no way Jaycee would even think about approaching the place. And plus, we both know Jaycee knows I live here."

Barry realizes what I mean. "True. Let's go." He tugs my arm and leads me out of the house, informing the police I was going with him to the precinct.
Both of us were working on evidence for the robbery Eddie was talking about yesterday when Barry's phone rang. "What's up Cisco?" Barry's expression was hard to read at the moment. "Got it." He hangs up and looks at me. "They found her."

I didn't even know how to feel about finding Jaycee. I was nervous, anxious, and excited at the same time. In a way, it felt like I was going to throw up. "Let's go." I grab my coat, but Barry stops me. "What?"

"Stay here."

"Why? I helped you catch her the first time!"

"How do you know it's not a trap for you to come too?"

"Why do you think I'm coming with you? How do you know if it's not a trap for you?" I sass.

"You're not going. I don't want you to get hurt. Please just...stay here until I get back."

I sigh with annoyance. "Fine." Barry leaves briskly after giving me an apologetic look.

Why can't I come? He's never acted this way before. Then again, I don't ask to come with him anyways; I just happen to be at the scenes sometimes.

After standing there for a few minutes, I decide to go take a trip to Jitters and visit Iris. He told me to stay here, but what's the point if Jaycee was found? Barry would be able to catch her.
Barry's POV

I sprint full-speed to where Cisco said Jaycee was hiding. It turned out to be in the park. Why wouldn't she be hiding somewhere else instead of at the park? That's the one thing that doesn't make any sense to me.

I spot Jaycee a few yards away, near the pond. Great. Note the sarcastic voice in my head. This isn't going to be easy.

I stop when I'm a few feet behind her. "You made a mistake to leave Star Labs." I say, startling her.

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