Fixing or Ruining a Friendship?

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It's been about a week since I've been stabbed. I finally got out of the hospital on Monday (yesterday). My injuries have gotten a lot better; they only hurt if I put too much pressure on them. My dad was sentenced to life in prison, so it was pretty awesome to watch his trial.

Unfortunately, not everything is good news. After our argument last week, Iris and I haven't talked. Actually, I tried to talk to Iris, but she ignores me; my texts, my calls, even when I'm around her with Barry. Seriously, I went to visit her at Jitters and when she saw me, she walked away!

I don't understand why she's so mad at me! I mean, yeah I didn't tell her my dad threatened to kill her, but that was because I never got the chance to tell her when I woke up. And yes, I am keeping The Flash's identity a secret, but that's for the same reason Barry tried to keep it from me in the first place.

...Oh... Now I see why she's mad.

"What are you thinking about?" Barry sat down next to me on the couch. We were at my house.

"Nothing." I snap out of my thoughts and turn my body to face him.

"Megan, I've told you this a million times: you're a bad liar. So what's wrong?"

"Okay first of all, you only told me that once. And second, Iris still hasn't talked to me."

"She's still mad?" There was a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Yeah." I run my fingers through my long hair and sigh. "I don't know what to do. I've already tried explaining to her that I didn't get a chance to tell her what my dad said. She won't listen. And mad is an understatement for keeping her from seeing 'The Flash' kicking my dad's ass. And that was because you weren't disguised. I didn't know what to do other than that."

"I'm sorry." Barry scratches his head. "This was my fault."

"How?" I tilt my head in confusion. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't tell her I'm The Flash. If I did, maybe you two would still be talking and would've never had that argument."

I shrug my shoulders. "We can't change the past, Barry. Instead, we need to let it go and move on. No regrets."

"Look who's talking." Barry poked me in the ribs and started tickling me.

"No! Do-on't tickl-le me!" I try to stop laughing. When he stops, I take a deep breath.

"You know what? Let's go talk to Iris." He stands up, pulling me up with him.

"Wait, what? Right now?" Barry nodded. "But-"

"Come on, you guys need to make up. At least try to make things right."

"I've tried a hundred times! She ignores me!" Barry and I were already on the sidewalk when I said that.
Barry and I entered Jitters. It was nice and toasty here, the total opposite of outside. It was freezing, with the sky covered in a blanket of grey clouds, and just starting to rain.

Barry spotted Iris first. She was sitting at table by the wall with a coffee in one hand, and her phone in the other; probably taking her break. Barry started walking toward her, half-dragging me behind him.

"Hey Iris." Barry greets her as we sat down across from her.

Iris looks up from her phone. "Hey Barry!" She sends a friendly smile toward him, ignoring me completely.

How long is this silent treatment going to last? Barry nudged me. "Hi."

"So how's the case you've been working on, Barry?" Again, she acts like I wasn't there.

"I hate it. We still haven't gotten a breakthrough. Right, Megan?" He signaled me to talk again.

I sit up. "Yeah, it's insa-" I started to talk about the case we were trying to solve, but stopped when I saw Iris' face. She was clearly not interested in what I had to say. "I should go." I stood up from my seat. Barry tried to stop me by grabbing my hand, but I shook him off and stomped out of Jitters.

Barry's POV

"You need to stop." I turn to Iris after trying to stop Megan from leaving.

"Is that why you two came here? To fix what she did?" Iris scowled.

"What exactly did she do?" I inquired.

"First of all, she didn't say anything about her dad threatening me."

"She barely woke up, Iris. She didn't know how to bring it up. You would be doing the exact same thing if you were in her shoes."

Iris looked taken aback at what I said. Looks like I was right. "You have a point there, but what about her keeping me from seeing a superhero in action?"

"You're overreacting over this. She told me that she warned you her dad had a weapon. She wanted to keep you safe!"

"You and The Flash would've kept him from killing me! You were in there, too. I would've been fine. Instead, she tried to make up excuses to keep us from going in there."

"Did you forget everything she's gone through all her life? She just found out her dad was the one who killed her mom; an incident that scarred her for life. Gave her PTSD, panic attacks. Her dad stabbed her, Iris. He threatened to kill her best friend." I pointed at her. "That doesn't sound like excuses to me. She had a reason to stay away from that room."

Iris studied me for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Her watch beeped, signaling her break was over. "I should get back to work." She stood up and went back to the counter, not looking back at me.

Why is she being so stubborn? I walked out of Jitters, and ran to Megan's house. I know she'd be there.

Megan's POV

When I reached my house, I ran up to my room, closing and locking the door behind me. I climbed into my bed and threw the sheets over me.

Why does she have to hate me? Why does she have to act so cold to me? I start to cry into my pillow, my sobs muffled.

I lay there for a few minutes before I heard the front door open and close. "Megan?" Barry called. I could hear him run up the stairs and attempting to open the locked door. "Megan, please let me in."

"Why?" I mumble.

"Don't make me break this door." He warned. "Because I will run into this door at full speed if I have to."

I groan and leave my spot on my bed to unlock the door. "You hate me too, don't you?" I start to walk out of the room.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" Barry follows me down to the living room and turns me around so I faced him.

I shrug and look at the carpet. "My dad hates me. Iris hates me. How do I know you won't hate me too?"

Barry puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head up. "Because I love you. And no matter what you do, that's not going to change." I gaze deep into his green eyes, not sure what I should do or say next.

He brings me closer to him and leans in, luring me into a deep, passionate kiss. "I love you too, Barry." I whisper to him in between the space of our lips. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slowly closed the remaining space between us.
Awww Barry and Megan are too cute! Seriously, they're making me melt! Haha. But on a more serious note, will Iris and Megan ever make up and fix their broken friendship?
Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes!!!

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