Chapter 4...

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Okay chapter 4- thanks to all ten people that have read this far (you are awesome). Please comment/vote- I still need advice and I would love to know what you guys think and how I could make this better. Ok enjoy or somethin ^_^


Franks P.O.V.

"Hnghhh..." I groaned. Fuck. What happened? I tried to open my eyes, but the throbbing in the back of my head had other ideas. I tried sitting up, but my body felt like a ton of bricks.

"Fuck..." I sighed, finally able to pull my aching body to a sitting position. I cracked my eyes slightly and glanced around. Oh yeah, I'm in the forest... And I climbed the rocks... And I fell off. Fuck. Oh well. I opened my eyes once again now that I was mildly aware of what was going on.

"Shit!" I yelled, ignoring the ringing in my ears. I grabbed at my phone in my back pocket to check the time. I knew it was late- the sky was pitch black- but I needed to know just how much trouble I would be in when I returned home. I reached my hand in my pocket to get my phone, but it was gone. Of fucking course. I searched the ground around me frantically, but I had no luck. Fucking perfect.

I slowly stood up- my head still hurt like a bitch- and peered around to try and get my bearings. I knew I had to cross the stream, but other than that I had no fucking clue. Exploring a forest in the day is far different than exploring one in the middle of the night; and I was not about to get myself into any more trouble than I already was. Besides, if I get really lost, people may assume I just went on a hunting trip and haven't been home in a few days. But that's unlikely.

"Welp, I'm fucked." I muttered. I wandered back over to the rocks and sat down leaning my back against one of them. Waiting until morning seemed like the best option, even if my parents were probably flipping their shit right now.

I sighed and closed my eyes. It wasn't so bad out here- it was warm and there weren't any bugs or sludge. It wasn't the most comfortable place, but at that moment I honestly didn't give a single fuck. I'd leave first thing in the morning and endure whatever shit I got from my parents. How bad could it be?

My eyes were just drifting shut when something freezing touched my exposed forearm.

"What the fuck?!?" I all but shrieked. I sprang up and looked at where my arm had previously been- straining my eyes to see in the darkness.

Nothing was there.

What the fuck was going on with this place? Seriously. First the voice, then the thing on the rock and now fucking ice touching me in the middle of the night. This place was fucking creepy. Once I was out of this place, I never wanted to come back. Ever. End of story. I mean how the fuck do things like that just happen? It isn't natural. It's fu-

A noise behind me halted my train of thought. I turned toward the sound and looked closely, but saw nothing. I listened intently. It sounded like footsteps- who the hell would be out here in the middle of the night (other than a lost 17 year old who can't jump over a stream without falling on his ass)? I peered forward again. The sound persisted; it kept getting nearer to me... Maybe it was a deer? Or a-

"Hello there..." a voice suddenly broke my thoughts. I strained my eyes and was finally able to make out the figure of a man. He wasn't too tall- only a couple inches taller than my shortass self. From what I could tell, he had raven colored hair, eerily pale skin, an entrancing voice and a sort of cockiness to him. I was intrigued to say the least- but also scared out of my fucking mind.

The man stepped closer and extended his hand.

"Gerard, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance..." The man grinned with tiny teeth.

I stayed back a bit, still weary of this late night forest creeper. Something about him- Gerard- was just off. Even the way he said 'pleasure' was strange. He drawled it out as though it was the last word he would ever say. I snapped back into reality as I saw his still extended hand.

"Frank." I stated, but didn't extend my hand in return.

"Well frank..." He said far too dramatically. "What are you doing in the woods at this hour? No one ever comes in these woods so late- especially a newcomer like you..."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"Well..." He sighed. "People rarely come here as it is, with all the stories and such, and newcomers stay in their homes for the first few months..." He exhaled deeply. "But... I suppose that doesn't apply to everyone."

"What stories? Why the hell are you even here?" I shot back.

"Well if you must know, I have a house out here and heard someone- you- scream, so I figured I'd come see what the fuss was..." He explained.

"Oh," was the only word I could seem to muster.

"Are you lost?"

"No... I just- I wanted to, er- connect with... nature..."

"Sure you did." He nodded. "Would you like to come back to my house for the night? It's far more comfortable than a rock, and I can give you a ride back first thing in the morning."

"I don't know... I barely know you, I couldn't impose like that, and I doubt my parents would want me spending the night with a strange man..." I stuttered.

"Very well. I just hope the grizzlies don't find you..."

"There are bears?! Fuck!- I mean... Frick..." Shit. Not good. Ignore the bears, don't agree, ignore the bears, don't agree... "Alright. I'll stay with you. For tonight only. And we leave first thing in the morning." Dammit!! Why did I just agree to that...

"Excellent..." He smiled. "Come with me..."


Okay I think this one is a bit longer than usual... Please comment/vote it is greatly appreciated. And thoughts on this story? Anyone? Anyone at all? Advice? Okay well I guess that's it. Until next time...

Merci pour le vinin...

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