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I saw Frank 2 days ago and I'm still in shock. He was amazeballs. Hope you guys are having a good day :3


"Yes, I'll contact his parents. I'm so sorry about the mixup, and, like I said before, I was coming to drop off his math textbook."

"Okay. As of right now, your story checks out. You're free to take him home as soon as he wakes up."

"Thank you, ma'am. I'll let the school know if there are any more issues."

I heard people conversing near me- but where was I? I recognized one of them as Gerard, and, based on the throbbing in my head and the smell of chemicals around me, I assumed the other one was the school nurse or a doctor. I forced my eyes open just in time to see the nurse leaving the room, "What's... What's going on? Where a-am I?" I mumbled.

"School nurse. Some kids beat you up and I found you lying on the cold, hard ground. I took you here and she checked you over- nothing is broken but you do have a mild concussion." He explained.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Also... I may have convinced her that both of your parents were away on a business trip, and I am your brother who is currently housing you. So, as soon as you feel well enough, you and I can head back to my house- unless you want to go home, that is."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I would rather go with you... Thanks again, Gerard. I don't know where I would be without you," I laughed a little at the end, knowing I would probably be still lying on the cold hard ground, waiting for the parents that probably hate me to start wondering where I am.

"Well, you would probably be in a lot worse shape, and, really, it's no problem. Oh yeah, one more thing... Since you have a concussion, you get the rest of the week off of school." He grinned at me.

"Hell yes!" I sat up and grinned back at him, "I have never been happier to have a concussion. Now, let's get out of this hell hole." I hopped off the bed and followed Gerard out of the room and passed the nurse.

"Bye, Rose!" He gave her a sweet smile and a wave before we booked it out of there.

H opened up the passenger door for me and hopped in the other side before sliding the key in the ignition and starting the car. I looked around and noticed it was somewhat dark outside. I looked at the clock- 5:37pm. Holy shit! How long was I out?

"Gerard, how long was I unconscious for..?"

"Well... You were knocked out around 12:30, and its 5:30 now, so about 5 hours." He looked at me through the corner of his eye before pulling onto the main road. "Not gonna lie, I thought you were fucked up pretty bad for a while there."

I sat in stunned silence. 5 hours. What happened? Why was it so long? Hell, for all I knew I could have died. I could see the headlines now- 'So Long And Goodnight To Frank Iero'.

"Frank? You ok?" I could hear the concern in Gerard's voice.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Just tired." I looked out the window so he wouldn't see my face. I don't know why I was crying, I wasn't sad or in pain. Hell, I was doing great. I get to leave school for the rest of the week. I should be happy, right? Why the fuck am I crying? I felt a tear stream down my cheek as the car came to a stop.

"Frank... What's wrong? Please look at me." He laid his hand on my knee, but I ignored him. "We aren't doing this again. Just look at me." I sighed before I turned to face him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, actually. I don't know why I started crying. It's stupid, I'm really happy. I get to be off school for the rest of the week, I get to hang out with you, I don't have to see my parents, you have coffee, I just- I don't deserve this."

"Shh... It's fine to be upset and not have a reason, it's also fine to feel like you don't deserve what's going on in your life. You wanna know something? Even heros get the blues- or any misery you choose. Let's just go inside and relax, okay?" He gave my knee a soft squeeze before he exited the car and went around to my side and opened the door. I started to climb out, but he stopped me and picked me up bridal style. "You need to rest, and walking 12 feet to the door is not resting..." I laughed a little as he walked. He even managed to get the door unlocked and open without setting me down. After we were in the den, he plopped me down on the couch. "I'll be right back- don't move."

"Alright." I chuckled as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"I feel like popcorn... How 'bout you Frank?" He called.

"Oh I'm there, baby," I called back. Baby? What the hell was that?

"Baby... That's a new one..." He smirked as he handed me the bowl of popcorn. "Movie?"

"Yeah, uh, how about something scary?" I suggested. Horror is the best movie genre.

"Sounds good. Silence of the lambs ok?"

"Perfect," I smiled as he knelt down and popped in the movie. Not gonna lie, I had the perfect view of his ass. It was glorious.

After he put in the movie, he came and sat down next to me with the popcorn in between us. We talked and laughed through most of it since we had both watched it so many times. Towards the end, my eyes started to droop and I leaned my head on Gerard's shoulder. I fell asleep before the end of the movie.


Gerards P.O.V.

Frankie fell asleep during the movie, so after it was over I took him to his room. God he was such a cute lil nugget when he was asleep. I laid him down and crept out the door before heading back into the kitchen. I needed something. Something bad. I needed a drink. I opened the cabinet and pulled out my own special concoction- vodka and a secret ingredient. I poured myself a shot, "Give me a shot to remember, and you can take all this pain away from me." I mumbled. God, I love all the poison. If there was someone I could thank for this venom, I would in a heartbeat.

"And you can leave like the sane abandoned me..." I took another shot. The light behind my eyes disappeared once more. I felt like I was at the end of the world- or the last thing you see. Well, I never told anyone what I did for a living, and that's a damn shame.

"And they'll all dance along to the tune of my death..." I smiled before making my way into my room and closing the goddamn door.


Hai. I hope my references are killing you- because what's killing me is killing you. Ily all so freakin much and I hope you are all having a good day :3 please comment/vote and stay fabulous, killjoys

Merci pour le venin

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