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***please read the a/n at the end of the chapter***


"I need to go back..." I whispered into Gerard's neck. We were laying in his bed, comfortable as all hell, with me cuddled into his side and his arms wrapped around me. It was probably close to 10pm now, and Emma, along with Miss Nora, would be wondering where I was.

"I know..." He whispered back. I sighed and he pulled me closer into him. It was just us, me and Gerard, no secrets, no tension, no problems, (almost) no clothes, and no regrets. There was no where I would rather be than right here. Everything else seemed to fade from my mind when he was around. It was like nothing else mattered. He mattered.

"Laying here longer is only going to make it harder..." I mumbled. I didn't want to get up, but I knew it was inevitable.

"... That's what she said. " Gerard giggled.

"Goddammit, Gerard!" I laughed and sat up, swatting at his chest lightly. He was such a fucking child.

"Fine, fine... Get dressed and I'll drive you back." He got up and started gathering various articles of clothing from around the room.

I got dressed and headed to the car, now just waiting for Gerard. I glanced at my phone, 10:37pm. Fuck, I'm in trouble. I opened iMessage to check for any missed texts, of which there was only one-

Pete- "hey, dude. I heard what happened with your parents. I am sooooooooo sorry :( and one more thing... it turns out before that whole mess with u and ur parents, mr iero talked to his boss about my dad getting a job with him in jersey... GUESS WHOS FUCKIN MOVING AND GONNA LIVE NEAR U AND GO TO UR SCHOOL- nvm don't guesss, I'll tell u. It's me. I'll be there on Friday. Thought I should let u no. Luv ya man!! :D"

Holy shit. Pete's moving here. I didn't know how to react. I started hyperventilating, I was so happy I'd get to see him, but he must be so upset about moving. I know I was. I typed a quick response-

Frnk- "Holy shit!! Can't wait to see u man!!

Just as I hit send, Gerard climbed in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey. Ready?" I asked.

"As I'll ever be..." He smirked before starting the car.

We made mindless small talk throughout the ride until we both decided on just watching the road unwind ahead of us. We sat and watched until a thought from earlier made its way to the front of my brain.

"Hey, Gerard?" I asked timidly.


"What- um... What are we?" I asked. He thought for a moment.

"Well, we're a lot of things, Frank."

"No... I mean what are we? Because I know we aren't just friends, but I just... I don't know..." I trailed off. Suddenly wanting to take back that I started this conversation. "Just... Forget I said anything." I averted my gaze to the window, hoping he wouldn't see my face.

"Frank... Look at me." He laced his fingers through mine, but I remained facing the window. "Frank. I know you heard me. Let me see your face." He whispered just as we pulled into the orphanage's parking lot. I turned to face him. "Why do we need a label? Why can't we just be 'Frank and Gerard'. Why complicate things?"

"It's stupid... Just forget I said anything..." I reached for the handle of the door, but his voice stopped me.

"It's not. Nothing you have ever said or done is stupid. We can be whatever you're comfortable with... I want you to be happy." He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckle. I swallowed hard but remained silent. "Frank, we are whatever you want. Whatever you would introduce me to someone as, is what we are. 'This is Gerard, my fill-in-the-blank', alright? Now, go inside. I'll see you tomorrow, sugar." He smiled and pulled my chin towards his so our lips met. He reached across and opened the door for me. I thanked him and climbed out and watched as he waved and then headed back down the road from which we just came.

I'll Wait ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora