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I have like over 100 reads every chapter and I just *fangirls* I love every single one of you so freakin much, thank you soooo much for reading this shit stack.


We were ok.

I was ok. Gerard was ok. Ryan Ross's milky asshole was ok. My life, for once, was ok.

And then Sunday came. And I had to go see my 'parents' so they could officially disown me. But it would turn out ok, because if it didn't, then that would be a large plot twist, wouldn't it? And what author enjoys plot twists that would most likely make their readers rather distressed? In all honesty, I don't know [we all know potatoyoghurt is one of them. Js.].

It was Sunday, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and the realization of what was going to happen had just dawned on me and really started to sink in. My family didn't want me anymore, and they would soon be sending me to either an orphanage, or into the care of someone else- Gerard, I hoped.

Maybe they would change their minds, and everyone could just forget this entire mess... But no. That would be too easy.

I flopped face first onto my bed and let my mind run wild with thoughts of my future, and how exactly things were going to play out. I must have gone through hundreds of scenarios by the time Gerard came to tell me it was time for us to go. We left at five, and pulled into the Iero's driveway at 5:25, just enough time for the situation at hand to re-embed itself into my head.

Gerard came around and silently opened my door so I could slip out of the car. My legs shook as we approached the door and I reached out a tentative hand to press the doorbell, but I couldn't. My hand fell back to its place at my side and joined the rest of my body by being overtaken by a numb sensation. Gerard laid a steady hand in the dip of my back and reached around and pushed the doorbell.

And then we waited.

It couldn't have been more than ten seconds before Linda opened the door, but it felt like an eternity. An eternity I wanted to escape. I watched and Gerard shook her hand and then she extended it towards me- but I didn't take it. I pushed around her and went inside with both her and Gerard behind me. I saw the man who was once my father sitting at the table with a man in a suit- the lawyer, I presume- and papers and files scattered about. I gulped and took a seat across from my father, Gerard soon coming in and sitting to my right.

"So..." I began, "let's get this started."

The lawyer nodded and arranged some of his papers before sending me an award-winning fakeass smile. "My name is William Adams, but you can call me Bill."

"Frank, this is our lawyer. He will be helping us to sort this mess out as painlessly as possible for all parties involved." My 'mother' gave me a quick smile before taking a seat next to my 'father'.

"Now Frank..." Bill glanced at me, "your adoptive parents have explained their reasoning to me for the cause of this situation, but is it alright if I ask you a few questions?"

"Go right ahead." I leaned back in my seat.

"Ok... So it appears that you recently came out to your parents as 'gay'. Is that right?" I nodded. "Now, how exactly did you go about doing this?"

"Well, we were in a restaurant, and they kept asking if I had seen any girls I found attractive at school. I told them I hadn't and they should just drop the subject, but they persisted, so I told them- and you can quote me on this- 'I like dicks, not chicks' and then I left." I smirked to myself, remembering the courage I had that day.

"Ok, so you caused a scene in the middle of a restaurant, making many people, not just your parents, highly uncomfortable. You knowingly did this, and then you simply ran away to stay with a strange man that your parents believed you to have sexual relations with?" He twisted my words and started writing in a little flip book.

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